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例句 The homes bore evidence of firebombing.这些房屋留有燃烧弹焚烧的痕迹。While there is still sufficient trapped air within the container to keep it buoyant, it will float.只要容器里还留有足够的空气,它就会漂浮着。The situation's not good but I still have a few cards up my sleeve.情况不妙,但是我还留有几张王牌。His face was seamed with sabre cuts.他的脸上留有马刀砍下的伤痕。The ground still bore the imprints of their feet.地面上仍然留有他们的脚印。The project has only just started so any plans are still very elastic.项目才刚刚启动,所以各项计划都留有很大余地。Old Mr Kenyon still keeps a garden.基恩老先生依然留有一个花园。Many new trains have space for wheelchair users.许多新型列车为坐轮椅者留有空间。She wore her long hair loose on her shoulders.留有一头披散的齐肩长发。The form has a blank for your signature.表格上留有一处空白供签名。The ground still bore the imprints of their feet.地面上仍然留有他们的足迹。The mark of a man's shoe is clearly printed in this mud.泥土上清楚地留有一个男子的鞋印。Many new trains have space for wheelchairs.许多新型列车为坐轮椅人士留有空间。There are traces of impurities in the gold.黄金里留有微量杂质的痕迹。Opportunities for reviewing the timings should be built into the plan.计划中应留有机会重新考虑时间安排。There is some wiggle room for varying interpretations.给不同的解释都留有一定的余地。Did he leave a suicide note? 留有遗书吗?The town is still deeply marked by the memory of the Depression.对于大萧条时期的记忆仍在小镇上留有深深的烙印。The beach is criss-crossed with animal tracks.海滩上留有纵横交错的动物的足迹。The house still has its original wood panelling and doors.这房子仍留有原先的木镶板和木门。A minute examination revealed fingerprints on a glass.经详细检查后发现一只玻璃杯上留有指纹印。In the soil there was the imprint of a boot.土地上留有一个靴印。He had a scar across his forehead from hitting his head on the bottom of a swimming pool.他曾把头撞到了游泳池池底,额头留有一道伤疤。A few pears remain on the trees.树上尚留有几颗梨子。I keep accounts for the business, but I'm not scientific about it.业务往来我留有账目,但不是很精细。The victim had marks on his neck which seemed to suggest he had been strangled.死者的脖子上留有印迹,这似乎显示出他是被掐死的。We must assume that the spy kept the negatives.我们必须假定间谍留有底片。Garlic repeats on him.他嘴里留有大蒜的余味。The gun had his fingerprints on it. Such evidence leaves little doubt of his guilt.枪上留有他的指纹,这种证据几乎可以确定他有罪。His leg was badly injured in the accident and it still bears the scars/wounds/marks.他的腿在事故中受过重伤,至今还留有伤疤/伤口/伤痕。While the banker retains the bank he is not allowed to withdraw any of it.虽然庄家留有筹码,但不可以从中抽取。The historic agreement is preserved in the university records.大学档案中留有这一历史性协议的记录。




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