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词汇 deposed
例句 He fled to Hawaii after being deposed as president.在被罢免了总统一职后,他逃到了夏威夷。The head of state was deposed by the army.国家首脑被军队废黜了。He deposed his father in a palace coup.他在一场宫廷政变中废黜了自己的父亲。She carelessly deposed costly trinkets on the table.她把贵重小首饰随手丢在桌上。The witness deposed that she had seen the accused in the act of robbery.证人宣誓证明她看见被告抢劫作案。He is the second of three witnesses to be deposed this week.他是本周将作证的三个证人中的第二个。The deposed king will set up a government in exile.这位被废黜的国王将成立流亡政府。The king was deposed by the revolution.国王由于革命而被废除王位。The king was deposed by his son in a palace coup.国王在一次宫廷政变中被儿子废黜。The witness deposed that he had seen the accused on the day of the murder.证人宣誓证明在谋杀案发生那天他曾看见被告。Moreau was deposed in a military coup and fled to the US.莫罗在一次军事政变中遭到罢免,逃到了美国。The emperor was deposed and his army disbanded.皇帝被废黜,他的军队也被解散了。The deposed leader is reported to have fled the capital to an unknown destination.据报道被废黜的领导人已逃离首都,去向不明。There is talk that the president may be deposed.有传闻说总统可能会被罢免。




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