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词汇 高峰期
例句 Hotel rooms are difficult to find at the peak of the holiday season.节假日高峰期宾馆一房难求。Apply before the rush starts.赶在高峰期开始前申请。Let's leave early to avoid rush hour traffic.咱们早点出发,免得碰上交通高峰期Peak usage periods, such as extreme cold weather, have been known to spark brownouts.我们已经知道在用电高峰期,比如严寒的冬天,会有供电不足的情况发生。During peak season , the island is very crowded.这个岛在旅游高峰期游人如织。During rush hour the drive may take up to twice as long.交通高峰期可能得花两倍的时间才能开过去。What are the telephone rates during off-peak hours?非通话高峰期的电话费是多少?At peak times the airport is appallingly crowded.高峰期机场拥挤得吓人。The peak of the holiday season is approaching.假日的高峰期即将来临。The traffic will thin out after the rush hour.交通高峰期过后车流量将减少。It's always crowded at peak times.高峰期总是非常拥挤。A more pressing problem is Mexico's dramatic baby boom.更为紧迫的问题是墨西哥那戏剧性的婴儿出生高峰期It was the high-water mark of her career.这是她事业的高峰期Internet/network traffic can cause slower response times during peak hours.互联网/网络访问量在高峰期会造成反应速度减慢。Foxes become very noisy at the height of the mating season.狐狸在交配季节的高峰期会变得很吵闹。Thousands of fans braved rush-hour traffic to see the concert.数千乐迷不顾交通高峰期的拥堵,赶去听音乐会。The business cycle is a series of peaks and troughs.商业周期是一系列的高峰期和低谷期。The bomb went off in a concrete dustbin at the peak of the morning rush hour.在最繁忙的交通早高峰期,那枚炸弹在一个混凝土垃圾箱里爆炸了。There is a lot of traffic along the Adriatic coast at the peak of the holiday season.在假日的高峰期,亚得里亚海沿岸的交通很拥挤。




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