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词汇 高兴
例句 The little boy jumped at his mother with joy.小男孩高兴地向他母亲扑去。Hi, come in - great to see you!嘿,快进来——见到你真高兴The winner bounced up and down with delight.获胜者高兴得上蹦下跳。What's he looking so happy about?他为什么显得那么高兴? He chattered on happily for about half an hour.高兴地唠叨了差不多半个钟头。We are pleased to announce that the school has hired a new teacher.我们高兴地宣布,学校聘请了一位新老师。The sooner we finish, the happier I'll be.我们越早完成,我就越高兴We were happy to know that the money was being used for a good purpose. 我们高兴地得知,这笔钱用在了有意义的地方。I've leaned over backward to please you—and you haven't even said thank you!我为了让你高兴使出浑身解数,可你连声谢谢都没说!I really don't know how to pleasure him.我真不知道如何让他高兴Mother liked it best when Daniel got money.丹尼尔拿到钱的时候,母亲是最高兴的。She had a personal cause for rejoicing.高兴是有私人原因的。The children jumped for joy when they saw the new toys.孩子们看到新玩具都高兴得跳了起来。In the amusement park, you can see lots of rollicking children.在游乐园中,你可以看到许多高兴地喧闹的孩子。I'm glad that you're over the flu.你的流感好了,我真高兴His former colleagues would be glad to welcome him back into the fold.他以前的同事会高兴地欢迎他归队。I was thrilled to bits / pieces when my son won.看到儿子获胜,我高兴极了。She discovered, to her pleasure, a talent for making her fellow guests laugh.高兴地发现自己具有把其他客人逗笑的天分。Everyone was much happier and morale was high again.大家高兴多了,斗志再次昂扬起来。To his delight a familiar, tall, languid figure lowered itself down the steps of a club.看到一个熟悉的高大身影沿着俱乐部的台阶无精打采地走下来,他高兴极了。What have I got to be glad about?我有什么可高兴的?He would try anything to make her even the smallest degree happier.为了使她哪怕比现在高兴一丁点儿,他愿意做任何事情。I thought snooker players were miserable sods who rarely smiled even when high.我原以为斯诺克选手都是坏脾气的讨厌鬼,他们甚至连高兴时也难得笑一下。I will do anything to pleasure you.我将尽力让你高兴She percolated with happiness.她因为高兴而活力四射。Whew, I'm glad he's gone!唷!我真高兴他走了!Anita wasn't exactly jumping for joy when I told her Greg was coming back tomorrow.当我告诉阿妮塔格雷格明天要回来时,她并不显得特别高兴Those present at the trial said that the accused looked cheerful.出席庭审的人说被告看上去挺高兴的。Mandy laughed and clapped her hands in delight.曼迪笑了,高兴地拍起手来。I was enjoying myself so much I didn't want to stop.我玩得正高兴,都不想停下来。She looked at her son and sighed happily.她看着儿子,高兴地舒了口气。Her face was transfigured with joy.高兴得容光焕发。Hello. It's nice to meet you at last.你好。 终于见到你,我真高兴Andrew roared with delight when he heard Rachel's nickname for the baby.安德鲁听到雷切尔给婴儿起的绰号时,不禁高兴得大笑起来。Come on, this is a party. Lighten up.别这样,这是个聚会。高兴点。It pleases me to no end to see you so happy.看到你这么高兴,我简直太开心了。We are delighted to see the Sunday Times running a long feature on breast cancer.我们高兴地看到《星期天时报》发表了有关乳腺癌的长篇专题文章。He smiled radiantly and embraced her.高兴地笑着拥抱了她。Your mother's not going to be very happy when she sees the mess you've made!你妈妈看到你弄得乱七八糟,她是不会高兴的。The refugees were exhilarated by the news.这消息令难民们高兴




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