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词汇 在街头
例句 It makes me sad when I see young people sleeping rough on the streets.看到年轻人在街头露宿让我感到难过。They were living on the streets and turning tricks to survive.她们在街头漂泊,靠卖身为生。Many teenagers are now sleeping rough on the streets.许多十几岁的青少年现在在街头露宿。He took to wandering through the streets.他养成了在街头漫步的习惯。People were standing about at street corners talking.人们三三两两地站在街头转角处谈话。He's been slogging round the streets delivering catalogues.他奔波在街头分送目录。When the streets get too hot for them, they head south in one stolen car after another.当他们觉得在街头混不下去了时,就沿途不断偷车换开,一路往南去了。After his crapulous round through the streets he went home.在街头到处狂饮暴食一阵之后,回家去了。The music resonated through the streets.乐曲在街头回荡。Visitors to London are often shocked by the spectacle of people begging in the streets.到伦敦来的游客常常为人们在街头行乞的景象所震惊。He also walked the streets by himself, observing and thinking.他也会一个人游荡在街头,一边观察和思考。Gangs roamed the streets.犯罪团伙在街头到处流窜。Young men roamed the streets brandishing guns.年轻人挥舞着枪在街头游荡。I remember an old man playing a barrel organ in the street with a perky monkey sitting on his shoulders.我记得有个老头在街头演奏手摇风琴,肩上坐着一只调皮的猴子。Antiwar activists were protesting in the streets.反战积极分子在街头抗议示威。After the attack, stunned villagers wandered the streets.袭击过后,受惊的村民们在街头徘徊。He formed the habit of taking long solitary walks through the streets.他养成了在街头长时间独自漫步的习惯。He just sits there on the street all day, but he doesn't panhandle.他整天就坐在街头,但不行乞。She would spend the day hanging round street corners.她会一整天在街头晃悠。A local painter was selling her artwork on the street.一名当地画家正在街头出售她的艺术作品。The election poster was clearly visible from the street.选举海报在街头颇为醒目。




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