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词汇 insides
例句 Rogers, an iconoclast in architecture, is sometimes described as putting the insides of buildings on the outside.罗杰斯是个打破建筑学传统的人,有时他被说成是把建筑物的内部结构摆到了外观上。His legs ached continually and his insides hurt.他的两条腿一直疼,肚子也难受。The insides of aluminium pans often discolour.铝质平锅的内侧往往会变色。He was coughing his insides up.他咳得快把五脏六腑都咳出来了。My insides are beginning to complain about the lack of food.我开始饥肠辘辘了。He skinned the rabbit and removed the insides.他剥了兔子皮,去除了内脏。They put plastic sheeting on the insides of our windows.他们在我们的窗子里面贴了层塑料薄膜。Kiwi fruit can be eaten by cutting off the tops and scooping out the insides with a teaspoon.可以把猕猴桃的顶部切掉,用茶匙把里面的果肉挖出来吃。The insides of a computer confound my wife.电脑的内部构造让我妻子很迷惑。He was doubled over in pain, gasping and retching as if his insides were on fire.他痛得腰都直不起来,又是喘气又是干呕,那样子就像他的五脏六腑被火烧似的。The dead seal's insides were spread all over the snow.死海豹的内脏散落在雪地上。He sat there contemplating his insides for a whole day.他一整天坐在那儿进行内心反省。The insides of the car windows steam up very quickly in wet weather.潮湿天,汽车窗子里面很快会结上水汽。I felt like my insides were tied up in knots.我感觉自己的五脏六腑都绞在一起了。The insides of my forearms are sore.我的前臂内侧感到酸痛。




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