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词汇 马里
例句 Marie had gone red in the face from running.马里跑得满面通红。Many villages in Mali consist of mud huts.马里的大多数村庄都是泥房子。The African half of the audience was mainly from Senegal or Mali.观众中有一半是非洲人,大多数来自塞内加尔或马里Ritter was a very complex man but Marius was the opposite, a simple farmer.里特城府颇深,而马里厄斯恰恰相反,是个心地淳朴的农民。The hotel is situated on the sheltered shores of the Moray Firth.旅馆位于马里湾的下风岸。Paul found lodgings in the Marylebone Road.保罗在马里勒本路寻到了出租的房间。Mali is the cradle of some of Africa's richest civilizations.马里是非洲一些最悠久的文明的发祥地。The African half of the audience was mainly from Senegal or Mali.观众中有一半是非洲人,其中大多数来自塞内加尔或马里Income from this exported crop drove the economy of Mali.这种农作物出口的收入推动了马里的经济增长。Some unincorporated areas of counties become their own cities, such as Malibu and West Hollywood.郡内一些独立的区域后来自己成为了城市,例如马里布和西好莱坞。Mali once was a major trading and transportation centre between North Africa and the Sahel.马里曾一度为北非与萨赫勒地区间贸易和交通的中心。Anton caught malaria in Mali, and nearly died.安东在马里染上了疟疾,差点丢了性命。He won a head-to-head battle with NF leader Jean-Marie Le Pen.他在和国民阵线领袖让-马里·勒庞的正面交锋中获得了胜利。




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