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词汇 香水
例句 She dabbed herself with scent.她在身上擦了一点香水Her perfume is so strong - it makes me gag.她的香水味道很浓,使我作呕。I tried to identify her perfume.我试图分辨出她用哪种香水She sprayed some perfume on her wrist.她在手腕上喷了点儿香水The advertisement is for a male fragrance.这则广告宣传的是一款男士香水She dabbed perfume on the inside of her wrist.她在手腕内侧搽了香水Perfume was an expensive luxury.香水是昂贵奢侈品。He caught a faint whiff of her expensive perfume.他闻到了她身上一股淡淡的昂贵香水的味道。A new perfume from Russia came in a bottle shaped like a tank.一种来自俄罗斯的新款香水装在坦克状的瓶子里。The perfume has been advertised in all the major women's magazines.这种香水在所有主要的女性杂志上都做了广告。You smell so good - is that a new perfume?你很香—那是新的香水吗?Perfume is my greatest extravagance.香水是我最大的奢侈品。Frank inhaled the exotic floral scent of her perfume.弗兰克嗅了一下她的香水散发出来的异国花香。The perfumes are diluted in vegetable oils.香水稀释到植物油中。What perfume are you wearing?你用的是什么香水Julie arranged her perfumes and creams in neat rows on the dressing table.朱丽把她的香水和面霜一排排整齐地摆放在梳妆台上。She put perfume on her wrist and sniffed it.她将香水喷在手腕上,然后闻了闻。She was wearing an overpowering perfume.她身上喷了浓郁的香水He bought his wife some duty-free perfume.他给妻子买了一些免税香水She works on the perfume counter.她在香水柜台工作。These people can scarcely afford to buy food, still less luxury goods like perfume.这些人买食品的钱都不够,更不用说香水这样的奢侈品了。It is a voluptuous fragrance which makes all your senses vibrate.它是一种能引起感官快感的香水,能使你所有的感官兴奋起来。Spoil yourself with a new perfume this summer.买一瓶今夏的新款香水犒劳自己。My mother could never resist expensive perfumes.我母亲从来都抵挡不住昂贵香水的诱惑。Recent studies have borne out claims that certain perfumes can bring about profound psychological changes.最新研究证明某些香水可以造成严重的心理变化。The girl uses too much scent.那女孩子用的香水过多。Anna's perfume smells lovely.安娜的香水很香。Amy thought she caught the faintest drift of Isabel's flowery perfume.埃米觉得她闻到了伊莎贝尔身上飘出的一丝极微弱的花香味香水的味道。She dabbed a drop of the musky perfume behind each ear.她在两只耳后都抹了一滴麝香香水Can I use some of your perfume? I just want to put a dab on my wrist.我可以用一下你的香水吗?我只想在手腕上抹一点。!She smelled the different perfumes at the store.在商店里她闻了不同的香水More and more women are wearing men's fragrances.越来越多的女士用男士香水A mist of perfume issued from the atomizer.一阵香水的轻雾从雾化器中喷射出来。This perfume is available in both a normal bottle and an atomizer.这种香水有普通瓶装的,也有喷雾瓶装的。She is a cosmetics and perfumery buyer.她常买化妆品和香水Perfume doesn't keep indefinitely, you know.你知道香水是没法无限期保质的。She received lavish gifts of clothes and perfume.她收到服装和香水等厚礼。The perfume was made from violet and lavender.香水是由紫萝兰和干薰衣草的花制成的。Grey-market perfumes and toiletries are now commonly sold by mail.水货香水和化妆品现在常常通过邮购方式售卖。The oil is used to flavour and perfume soaps, foam baths, and scents.这种精油用来给肥皂、沐浴液和香水添加香味。




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