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词汇 money
例句 This money is just a drop in the ocean compared to what's needed.与所需要的相比,这点儿钱远远不够,只是杯水车薪。He got into another fight with his wife about money.他因钱的问题又与妻子发生了争吵。The callous couple milked money from a hospital charity to fund a lavish lifestyle.为了维持奢侈的生活,这对没良心的夫妇竟然一点点侵吞医院的慈善基金。He provided seed money for the campaign.他为这项活动提供了种子基金。We need only look at the building to see how much money it will take to repair.我们只要看一下那栋楼,看看要花多少钱修理。They spent a lot of money equipping the school with new computers.他们给学校配备新计算机花了很多钱。It would have been more sensible to save the money than to spend it all on clothes.把钱存起来总要比全部花在衣服上明智。The House voted today to crack down on banks that launder drug money.众议院今天表决打击为毒资洗钱的银行。I was in desperate need of money.我急需钱。We will reserve the money; we may need it later.我们将把这笔钱存起来,也许以后用得著。I should have listened to my father's wise counsel, and saved some money instead of spending it all.我本该听从父亲的明智忠告,把钱省下一些而不是挥霍一空。Happiness is more important than money.快乐比金钱更重要。He had siphoned off a small fortune in aid money from the United Nations.他从联合国的救济金中非法挪走了一小笔钱。An artist's need for money imposes the tyranny of popular taste.艺术家需要金钱,就不得不服从大众的趣味。He certainly wasn't going to miss the chance of making some extra money.他当然不会错过挣些外快的机会。He's always looking for ways to make money.他不停地寻找挣钱的法子。He licked his lips at the thought of the money he was going to earn.他一想到将要赚到的那笔钱就觉得心花怒放。They haven't paid back any of the money yet, but we live in hope.他们一分钱都还没还,但我们仍满怀希望。She has a bit of private money, so they manage quite nicely.她有一小笔私房钱,所以他们生活得还不错。He demanded payment of the money that was owed to him.他索要应该付给他的钱。Her request for money was turned down by the trustees.她要钱的请求被托管人拒绝了。It usually means going hat in hand and asking friends and relatives for money.这通常意味着卑躬屈膝地向朋友和亲戚要钱。The money had reappeared as if by magic.那些钱像变魔术似的又出现了。They papered over their disagreements in order to convince the investors to put up the money.为了使投资者相信并投资,他们掩盖了分歧。His halo's tainted: his bribery payments to city officials far outweigh the money he donates to charity.他的光辉形象被破坏了:他贿赂市政官员的钱数额远远超出了他的慈善捐款。They have no money and are forced to live on charity.他们没有钱,被迫靠慈善救济过活。Half the money raised was donated to charity.募集来的钱一半捐给了慈善事业。In a dramatic gesture, he threw the money on the table.他以夸张的手势将钱扔在桌上。You shouldn't chance all your money at once.你不该一下子把所有的钱都拿去冒险。She wired the money home to Canada.她把钱电汇到加拿大的家里。The money involved is modest.不需要投入太多金钱。Make sure the money is there to pay for it.一定要确保有钱支付。If you take money from the fund, however small the amount, you must record it in this book .如果你取用基金的钱,不管数目多小,都必须登记在这个本子上。The money augmented his fortune.这笔钱使他的财富大增。The party's main prescription for educational problems was to give schools more money.该政党解决教育问题的诀窍主要是给学校提供更多资金。There has been a colossal waste of public money.一直存在巨大的公款浪费。You're in the chips and you can give me back the money.你发财了,可以把钱还我了吧。I have no money about me.我身上没带钱。Luckily I saved enough money to pay these unwarily-contracted debts.幸运的是我存了足够的钱来付这些不谨慎欠下的债。She left a large sum of money in her will to found a wildlife sanctuary.她在遗嘱里留下了一大笔钱用来创建野生动物保护区。




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