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词汇 飞机失事
例句 The body of the aircraft remained intact after the crash.飞机失事后机身保持完好无损。The co-pilot who caused the plane to crash is said to have suffered from psychosomatic disorder.那位让飞机失事的副驾驶据说为身心失调症所苦。Investigators are probing the causes of the plane crash.调查人员正在调查飞机失事的原因。Journalists were on the scene within minutes of the plane crash.飞机失事后几分钟记者们就到了现场。Rescue planes and ships scoured the area where the plane went down.救援的飞机和船只在飞机失事的海域搜索。She's been terrified of the sound of aircraft ever since the crash.自从那次飞机失事后,她就一直害怕听到飞机声。In comparison with famine, a plane crash is almost insignificant.与饥荒相比,飞机失事几乎算不得什么。The news came hot on the heels of another plane crash.又一宗飞机失事之后立即传来了这个消息。The plane crashed with heavy loss of life.在这起飞机失事中多人丧生。The nationalities of the plane crash victims have not yet been released.飞机失事罹难者的国籍尚未公布。What exactly is the risk of an ordinary aircraft crashing?一架普通的飞机失事的危险性到底有多大?There were only two survivors of the plane crash.这次飞机失事中仅有两名幸存者生还。Relatives are anxiously waiting by the phone for more news about the plane crash.亲属焦急地守在电话机旁,等待更多有关飞机失事的消息。The air crash is thought to have been caused by pilot error.飞机失事被认为是由飞行员失误造成的。Relatives of the aircrash victims were treated with great sympathy.飞机失事的罹难者家属得到了极大的同情。Only two passengers survived the air-crash.这次飞机失事只有两名乘客幸免于死。The plane crashed.飞机失事了。The black box is often used to determine a plane crash.黑匣子常用来判定飞机失事原因。Bereaved family members are demanding more information about the plane crash.痛失亲人的死者家属要求了解飞机失事的更多情况。Her father was killed in a plane crash.她的父亲在一次飞机失事中遇难。I alone survived the crash.那次飞机失事只有我一个人幸免于难。The policemen are still searching for survivors of the plane crash.警察仍在搜寻飞机失事的幸存者。Before it crashes into sea, the plane was a constant blip on the radar screen.飞机失事坠海之前,它一直是雷达萤幕上的一小点。Officials said there were no survivors of the plane crash.官方表示这次飞机失事无人生还。The black boxes were recovered from the crash site and provided useful information about the cause of the crash.黑匣子在飞机失事地点被找到了,它为调查空难原因提供了有用的信息。When it crashed, the plane's fuselage split behind the wings.飞机失事时,机翼后面的机身部分裂开了。The pilot baled out just before the plane crashed.驾驶员在飞机失事前跳伞了。After the crash the airline faced millions of dollars in claims.飞机失事后,该航空公司面临着数百万美元的索赔。There was only one survivor from the plane crash.这次飞机失事只有一个幸存者。The plane crashed with serious loss of life.飞机失事导致很多人遇难。By a cruel irony, he died in a crash while returning home from the war.他从战场归来时因飞机失事而丧生,这样的讽刺真是太残忍了。The deputy airport manager said there was no apparent explanation for the crash.机场副经理说那次飞机失事没有明显的原因。The court of inquiry ruled that the crash was due to pilot error.调查庭裁定飞机失事是由驾驶员的失误造成的。




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