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词汇 颜料
例句 Stir the paint to make sure that the colours are thoroughly mixed.颜料搅拌一下,以确保两种颜料完全混合。The paint was too thin, and was dripping everywhere.颜料太稀,滴得到处都是。The paints had all formed a puddle on her palette.颜料在她的调色板上融成一摊。Tubes are the ideal container for paint as air is excluded.软管不透气,因而是装颜料的理想容器。The store sells many different paints.这家商店出售各式颜料The students freely experimented with paints.学生们随意地用颜料做实验。Pigment is mixed into oil, glue, egg, etc. to make different types of paint.颜料与油、胶水、鸡蛋等混合,制成各种涂料。The artist has used several layers of paint to create the stormy sky.艺术家用了好几层颜料来描绘骤雨将至的天空。A lick of paint will do wonders for the room.稍微涂点儿颜料就会使房间生辉。I use watercolours much less than I do oils or acrylics.我用水彩比用油画颜料或丙烯酸颜料要少得多。I'm not really a painter; I just like to mess around with paints.我并不是个正经画家,我只是喜欢摆弄颜料而已。Paints incorporate with oil.颜料与油混合在一起。Dip the object into the paint and use it as a stamp to print designs on the paper.把东西在颜料里蘸一下,像印章一样在纸上印出图案。Acrylics will scratch if not treated with care.如果不小心,丙烯酸颜料是会刮花的。Put the lid on, or a crust will form on the paints.把盖子盖好,否则颜料表层会硬化。Make an outline of the scene before you paint.在上颜料之前先给此景画一个素描。The Romans used natural pigments on their fabrics and walls.古罗马人在织物和墙壁上使用了天然颜料We guarantee the fastness of these dyes.我们担保这些颜料不褪色。He suspends crystals of animal glue in the pigment to mimic the grain of the mineral.他把亮晶晶的动物胶悬浮在颜料中来模仿矿石的粒状结构。Don't let the children loose on the paints.不要让孩子们随便玩绘画颜料The kids were splashing on paint with abandon.孩子们任意地泼洒着颜料You'll find a good selection of paints at this store.在这家店你能找到一些很棒的颜料Linseed oil is a vehicle for paint.亚麻籽油是一种颜料展色剂。She dashed some paint on the paper and called it a tree.她在纸上洒了些颜料,说这就是一棵树。I've always associated the smell of paint and my first grade art class.我总是把颜料的气味和我一年级时候上的美术课联系在一起。I lay the painting flat to stop the wet paint running.我把油画平放以防止未干的颜料流动。The original white-lead pigments have oxidized and turned black.最初的白色铅质颜料氧化后变成了黑色。He dribbled his paint instead of using brushes.他不用画笔而用颜料滴画。The painter dipped his brush into the paint.画家拿画笔蘸颜料She showed me her paints, brushes, and the other tools of her trade.她向我展示了她的颜料、画笔和其他画具。He paints in/with tempera.他用蛋彩画颜料作画。Broad flat brushes are useful for blocking in colour.宽平的刷子对涂刷颜料很有用。The artist used a bright red to paint a picture of the fire engine.画家用鲜红的颜料画一幅消防车的图像。He tripped and sloshed paint all over the floor.他绊倒了,把颜料溅了一地。Lightly dip the paintbrush into the paint.把画笔轻轻地蘸上颜料There was more to art than putting paint on paper, she said.她说,艺术可不仅仅是往纸上涂一涂颜料就完了。The children's smocks were covered with paint.孩子们的罩衫上沾满了颜料The plant is then processed for dye.然后对这种植物进行加工以获取颜料The artist was surrounded by paints, brushes, and other tools of the trade.这位艺术家周围到处都是颜料、画笔和其他绘画工具。In Impressionism the paint was laid on the canvas in dabs.在印象派绘画中,颜料被一点点轻涂在画布上。




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