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词汇 颁布
例句 Several bills were enacted at the end of this session of Parliament.几项法案在这届国会的会议结束时被颁布They have the potential to enforce restrictions such as no smoking policies.他们可能会实施一些限制措施,比如颁布禁烟政策。The government issued an edict banning public demonstrations.政府颁布了法令,禁止举行示威游行。A general amnesty was granted, allowing political exiles to return freely.颁布的大赦令准许流亡政治犯自由返国。Locally passed laws are of superior authority to those laws passed in Moscow.当地法律高于莫斯科颁布的全国法律。The government has issued new guidelines for following a healthy and balanced diet.政府颁布了新的采用健康平衡饮食的指导方针。The new government is to grant a free pardon to all political prisoners.新政府将颁布特赦令赦免所有政治犯。The emergency government brought in a special law to prevent hoarding and profiteering.临时政府颁布特别法令禁止囤积居奇和投机倒把的行为。Shares in the electricity companies were marked down following the announcement of the new energy tax.电力公司的股价在新的能源税颁布后随即纷纷下跌。A ban has been imposed on the hunting and killing of whales.颁布了不许捕杀鲸的禁令。The city ordered/imposed a curfew soon after the rioting started.骚乱开始后不久,这座城市就颁布/实施了宵禁令。The government should issue guidelines on the content of religious education.政府应当就宗教教育的内容颁布明确的指导方针。The new law expressly forbids the importation of radioactive waste.颁布的法律明确禁止进口放射性废料。A new constitution was promulgated last month.上个月颁布了一部新宪法。The organization has issued a set of guidelines for builders to follow.该组织颁布了一套建筑商须遵守的指导方针。They favour the self-regulation of the industry, and strict codes of conduct have already been issued by the Advertising Association.他们倾向于行业的自我监管,而广告联合会已经颁布了严格的行为规范。Ecuador announced a ban on fishing for shrimp.厄瓜多尔颁布了禁止捕虾的法令。The president has promised a new constitution and the creation of democratic power structures.总统保证要颁布新的宪法并创建民主的权力结构。She contends the new law will only benefit the wealthy.她认为这条新颁布的法律只会让富人受益。Miami Beach recently introduced new strict noise abatement laws.迈阿密滩市最近颁布了规定严格的噪音消减新法令。The king decreed a general amnesty.国王颁布了大赦令。Japan's government has enacted various banking reforms.日本政府已经颁布了很多关于银行改革的法令。The new laws coming in are utterly ridiculous.颁布的法律荒唐至极。This latest policy is an example of the nanny state gone mad.这项最新颁布的政策表明这个保姆式国家已经走向疯狂。The city has imposed a ban on smoking in all restaurants.该市已颁布了在所有餐馆适用的禁烟令。A court injunction forbade Clive Heywood to enter his wife's house.法院颁布了一道禁制令,不准克莱夫·海伍德进入妻子的房子。With the new federal law in place, the state law has become inoperative.新联邦法颁布后,州法律便失效了。The government should issue clear guidelines on the content of religious education.政府应当就宗教教育的内容颁布明确的指导方针。The government proclaimed a series of amnesties freeing hundreds of convicted prisoners.政府颁布了一系列赦令,释放了数百名已被定罪的囚犯。The president issued a decree prohibiting trade unions.总统颁布了禁止成立工会的命令。The government is issuing new guidance on inspections in schools.政府即将颁布视察学校的新方针。It is her contention that the new law will only benefit the wealthy.她的观点是这条新颁布的法律只会让富人受益。New guidelines on how to move dangerous chemicals by road have just been published.公路运输危险化学品的新规定刚刚颁布The government introduced a law prohibiting tobacco advertisements on TV.政府颁布了一项法律: 禁止在电视上播放烟草广告。The new law was finally promulgated in the autumn of last year.新法律最终于去年秋天颁布In an emergency decree, the government banned all rallies.政府颁布紧急命令,禁止一切集会活动。The judge issued a restraining order.法官颁布了一项限制令。The Roman Catholic Church has issued a compendium of its teachings.天主教会已经颁布了其教义纲要。




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