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例句 I stood like one thunderstruck when I heard the news.听到这消息,我顿时惊得呆若木鸡。A hush fell over the audience.观众顿时静了下来。He came in and the table fell suddenly silent.他一进来举桌顿时鸦雀无声。The crowd broke forth in cheers when the Queen appeared.女王一出现,人群顿时发出欢呼。A heavy silence fell upon the room.房间里顿时静下来,气氛沉重。It was a revelatory moment when I realized that there were other people who watched the show.当我意识到还有其他人观看这个节目时,顿时眼前一亮。Freed from the bonds of convention and the fear of what others may think, the mind responds with new solutions.从传统的束缚中解脱出来,不再担心别人会有什么看法,顿时感到柳暗花明。The door was locked from the outside, and suddenly they realized they were prisoners.门从外面锁上了,顿时他们意识到,自己被人囚禁了。A stone hit his head and the street reeled before his eyes.一块石头砸在他头上,他顿时觉得街道在他眼前打旋。Colour / Color flooded to her cheeks when she realized she was being watched.意识到有人在看她,她顿时涨红了脸。The loud noise snapped him out of his daydream.巨大的噪声顿时把他从白日梦中惊醒过来。Suddenly, he looks pathetically young and scared.他看上去是那么地幼小,那么地害怕,顿时惹人怜惜。She said hello to me and I went weak in the knees.她跟我打了声招呼,我顿时感到两腿发酥。Everything seemed fine and then—wham!—all hell broke loose.一切看似完好,接着膨的一声,顿时一片混乱。A flush of anger appeared on her cheekbones.一股怒气上冲,她顿时双颊飞红。Relief flooded through me as the plane landed safely.飞机安全着陆时我顿时放松了。Pandemonium broke out as they ran into the street shouting.他们叫嚷着冲到大街上,大街上顿时乱作一团。The audience suddenly began shouting and cheering.观众顿时大叫着欢呼起来。All the old hatred for their former enemy flared up.对他们过去敌人的一切旧恨宿怨顿时涌上心头。One policeman drew his gun and then suddenly all hell broke loose.一名警察拔出了枪,人们顿时乱作一团。Enthusiasm chilled with the news.消息传来,热情顿时低落下来。The news threw the family into a panic.这个消息使一家人顿时陷入恐慌。He let go of her shoulders and she sank at once to the floor.他松开她的肩膀,她顿时倒在地板上。Suddenly the whole street was in commotion.顿时,整条街道混乱起来。His face blanched as he looked at Sharpe's blood-drenched uniform.他一看到夏普浸满鲜血的制服,脸色顿时变得煞白。My words were lost as the walls above us crashed down, filling the cellar with brick dust.我们头顶的墙哗啦一声塌下来,弄得地窖里全是砖灰,我顿时说不出话来。A frisson of apprehension rippled round the theatre.剧场里顿时泛起一片疑惧。Instantly the whole place was in an uproar.顿时,全场哗然。They were suddenly plunged into darkness as the train went through a tunnel.火车穿过隧道,他们顿时被抛入了黑暗之中。Mother did carry on so when she heard the bad news.母亲听到那个坏消息时顿时大恸。The darkened assembly room became suddenly hushed and expectant as the picture appeared on the screen.屏幕上出现图像时,黑漆漆的会议室里顿时安静下来,充满了期待。When we asked him where his wife was, O'Hare suddenly became evasive.我们问到他的妻子在哪里时,奥黑尔顿时变得含糊其辞。A sudden hush fell over the room as the head teacher entered.校长一进门,房间顿时变得鸦雀无声。His tone changed dramatically when he saw the money.他一看到钱,说话腔调顿时大变。His low spirits lifted as soon as his lost watch was found.遗失的手表一找到,他满面愁容顿时消失。A frown quickly wiped away her smile.她眉头一皱,笑容顿时消失。The moment Sally went out of the door, all hell broke loose.萨莉刚走出门,顿时就是一片混乱。He raced the motor and his wife's voice was lost beneath it.他猛转马达,妻子的话音顿时便被淹没了。Seeing her father again when she was an adult was an epiphany that changed her whole view of her childhood.长大后再见到父亲的那一刻,她顿时醒悟,完全改变了对自己童年的看法。Journalists woke him with the news and all hell broke loose.记者们叫醒他,把消息告诉了他,顿时混乱爆发了。




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