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词汇 顺其自然
例句 The injury should heal within a few weeks if you just let nature take its course.顺其自然的话,伤势几个星期后就会痊愈。He could be kept alive artificially, but I think it would be kinder to let nature take its course.可以人工维持他的生命,但我想顺其自然反倒更好。I've lived through a lot of changes recently, but I've learned to take it one day at a time.近来遇到诸多变故,但我已学会凡事要顺其自然I will run the best campaign I can, then let the chips fall where they may.我将尽我所能做好竞选活动,至于结果怎样,顺其自然It's best to let things follow their natural course.最好让事情顺其自然He came by to see if she was lonely. One thing led to another and he stayed the night.他过来看看她是不是感到孤独。顺其自然地,他就留下来过夜了。We'll see what happens and take it as it comes.我们要看看接下来发生的事情,顺其自然Since I had the accident, I've learned to take each day as it comes.自从出了那次事故后,我就学会了一切顺其自然I wanted to change something, but let it ride.我试图做些改变,但却顺其自然We can only treat the injury and then let nature take its course.我们只能对伤处加以治疗,然后顺其自然I'd rather let nature take its course than take any sort of medication at all.我宁可顺其自然,也不愿意服用任何药物。There's nothing I can do about the problem, so I might as well go with the flow.关于这个问题我无能为力,所以我不如就顺其自然好了。Don't worry about it-just let things take their course.不要担心 - 顺其自然好了。I have no way to deal with it, let a thing slide.我毫无办法处理,顺其自然吧。The best cure for a cold is to let nature take its course.治疗感冒最好的办法就是顺其自然It may be best to let things slide this time.这次最好的办法也许是顺其自然Perhaps we should just let nature take its course.也许我们就应该顺其自然When I'm on vacation, I just like to take it easy and go with the flow.我休假时喜欢不慌不忙,顺其自然




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