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Sue is a thoroughly precocious little madam if ever there was one.休确实是个少见的早熟的小丫头。You think you're in trouble now? Just wait until your father finds out what you did, young lady! 你现在就觉得有麻烦了?等着吧,小丫头,等你爸爸发现了你干的这事!She was just a slip of a thing.她才是个小丫头。And although she was probably just an ordinary-looking kid, in my eyes she was the most beautiful child on the face of the planet.而且,尽管她可能只不过是个相貌平平的小丫头,但在我看来她却是这世界上最漂亮的孩子。Your little girl is a real charmer. 你家小丫头真是个小甜心。They think we're just a bunch of girlies who don't know what we're doing.他们认为我们不过是一群不知道自己在做什么的小丫头。 |