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词汇 项链
例句 She confessed that she stole the necklace.她承认偷了那条项链She wore a necklace of brightly coloured wooden beads.她戴着一串由色彩鲜艳的木珠串成的项链The necklace contains real gems and paste.这串项链既有真宝石也有人造宝石。The necklace was a cheap imitation, but she was obviously very proud of it.那条项链是廉价的仿制品,但她显然非常以此为傲。The bold necklace flatteringly lightens her skin tone.这条光彩夺目的项链衬得她的肤色亮了起来。Her necklace fell off because the clasp had broken.她的项链掉了下来,因为钩环坏了。The box didn't look very prepossessing, but the necklace inside was beautiful.那个盒子看起来不大吸引人,但里面的项链很漂亮。With both hands she yanked at the necklace.她用双手去扯项链Here in the vault the necklace was secure.项链在银行保管库里被妥善保管着。He wore a chain of office around his neck.他脖子上挂着一条标志公职的项链A necklace set with aquamarines.项链镶嵌着海蓝宝石。He gave her the necklace as a mark of his esteem.他送给她这条项链以表敬意。I tried to pry open the locket.我试图把盒式项链坠撬开。She often wears accessories such as a diamond bracelet, a necklace and earings.她常常戴钻石手镯、项链、耳环等一类首饰。The necklace is made of natural pearls.项链是用天然珍珠做成的。It was a necklace with a diamond pendant.那是一条带有钻石垂饰的项链Rosie undid her necklace and put it on the bedside table.罗茜解下项链把它放到床头柜上。The necklace was nowhere to be seen.这条项链四下找不见了。She was trying to disentangle her hair from her necklace.她正尽力把缠在项链上的头发解开。I just know your mother will love this necklace.我就知道你母亲会喜欢这根项链的。Some of the crystals used in the necklace are a pale pink color.这串项链上的一些水晶是浅粉色的。The glitter of the necklace was answered by the glitter of the engagement ring.项链和订婚戒指的光芒交相辉映。I'm looking for a necklace to complete my outfit.我想买一条和这套衣服般配的项链She fingered her necklace absent-mindedly as she talked.她说话时心不在焉地拨弄着项链She wore a necklace of hyacinth.她戴著一条红锆石项链Stone Age settlers fashioned necklaces from sheep's teeth.石器时代的定居者用羊齿制作项链Losing the necklace borrowed from her friend upset her completely.她把从朋友那儿借来的项链弄丢了,这使她心烦意乱。The stolen necklace only had sentimental value for her.被偷的项链对她而言只有纪念意义。This necklace was handed down to my mother by my grandmother.这条项链是外祖母传给我妈妈的。She did not miss her necklace until she arrived home.直到回到家里她才发现丢失了项链The necklace is interesting but not very valuable.这条项链很吸引人,但不是很值钱。She kept her husband's picture in her locket.她把丈夫的照片放在她的盒式项链坠里。How much does this necklace cost?这条项链多少钱?Let me have a look at your necklace. Perhaps I can fix it.让我看看你的项链,也许我能修理。I like the pendant, but I don't really like the chain it's hanging from.我喜欢这个坠子,但不太喜欢吊坠子的项链She took the necklace out of the box and closed the lid.她从盒子里取出项链,然后盖上盖子。On display are necklaces and bracelets made from amber.展品中有用琥珀做的项链和手镯。She fastened the locket around her neck.她把盒式项链坠系在脖子上。The necklace was in danger of being seized as war loot.这条项链在战争中有被强行夺走的危险。He wears a crucifix on a chain around his neck.他脖子上戴着一条项链,上面挂着耶稣受难像的十字架吊坠。




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