例句 |
Prudence in the face of the enemy was a quality that he had never learned.他从来都没学会面对敌人要小心谨慎。The soldiers resisted (the enemy attacks) for two days.(面对敌人的进攻)士兵们抵抗了两天。They were left virtually defenceless against enemy attack.面对敌人的进攻,他们实际上一点儿防卫能力都没有。His troops took the brunt of the enemy attack.面对敌人进攻,他的部队首当其冲。He turned to face his enemy.他转过身来面对敌人。The President has been accused of being spineless in the face of naked aggression.面对敌人赤裸裸的侵略,总统被指责表现得懦弱不堪。 |