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词汇 conduct
例句 The rebels' leader was granted a safe-conduct to talk with the president.叛军首领获得了与总统谈判的安全通行证。This conduct is completely incompatible with his role as a teacher.这种行为与他的教师身份完全不相配。The victim's conduct had involved an element of provocation.受害者的行为有些挑衅的成分。Two players were sent off for violent conduct.两名球员因为暴力行为被罚出场。It is tempting to think of morality as a guide to human conduct.人们很容易把道德看成是人类行为的指导。Our organization sets high standards of professional conduct.我们的组织设立了很高的职业行为标准。Lord Clarendon's liberal credo was one of the foundations of his political conduct.克拉伦登勋爵的自由主义信条是他从事政治活动的一大基础。His personal conduct reflected poorly on the company. 他的个人行为给公司带来了恶劣的影响。His conduct at school was disgraceful.他在学校的表现简直丢人。Several colleges in our study have rigid rules about student conduct.在我们的研究中,有几所大学制定了严格的学生行为准则。There are remissions for prisoners' good conduct and other concessions.对囚犯因其表现良好可施以赦免和其他宽待。Before Newton, people had great difficulty understanding how any metal could conduct electricity.在牛顿之前,人们实在难以理解金属怎么会导电。Her conduct throughout was irreproachable.她的表现自始至终无可挑剔。I have a few observations to make on your conduct.我对你的行为有一些看法要说。The company did not conduct adequate safety tests.这家公司没有进行足够的安全试验。The Conservative Party did not in the main disagree with Bevin's conduct of foreign policy.保守党大体上不反对贝文的外交施政方式。We must reconcile our statements with our conduct.我们必须做到言行一致。The Senator's conduct is being investigated by the Ethics Committee.该参议员的行为正受到道德委员会的调查。I have reasoned with him as to his conduct.关于他的行为我已规劝过他了。Such conduct outrages our normal sense of decency.这种行为有悖常理。Her conduct was beyond criticism.她的品行无可指责。Don't let your conduct give any handle for gossip.别让你的行为成为人家说三道四的话柄。Police chiefs strongly defended police conduct against a wave of criticism.针对批评的浪潮,警察局长们极力为警方的行为进行辩护。Her conduct subjected her to public ridicule.她的行为使她受众人嘲笑。His conduct that evening was to say the least curious.他那天晚上的举动,说得最客气,也是够古怪的了。The evening was spoilt by the unreasonable conduct of some members of the audience.由于一些观众的无理取闹,晚会被搞砸了。We won't tolerate such inappropriate behavior/conduct/language.我们不会容许如此不当的行为/举止/言谈。This was no way to conduct diplomacy.这绝不是开展外交的方法。Laws and regulations control the conduct of business and trade.法律和法规对商贸管理进行了规范。His conduct has brought reproach upon himself.他的行为使自己丢丑。I was amazed at his conduct.我对他的行为感到惊讶。The evaluation of conduct involves some amount of generalization.对操行的评价会含有一些泛泛之论。The police officers were suspended without pay for their conduct.这些警官因所作所为而被无薪停职。The conduct of foreign policy is largely the preserve of the president.外交政策事宜主要由总统专门负责。They hired agents to conduct their affairs.他们雇请代理人来处理他们的事务。This conduct is not viewed as acceptable.这种行为被认为是不可接受的。We hope for a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations.我们期盼一个以法律制度而不是丛林法则来规范各国行为的世界。He was given three months remission for good conduct.他因为表现好而减刑三个月。She took the initiative in asking the board to conduct an enquiry.她主动提请委员会进行调查。He received a three-match ban for violent conduct.他因暴力行为被禁赛三场。




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