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词汇 面包屑
例句 Fry the breadcrumbs until golden brown.面包屑炸成金褐色为止。Next, coat the fish with breadcrumbs.接下来给鱼裹上一层面包屑She breaded the pork chops before frying them.她把猪排裹上面包屑后再炸。Ella brushed the crumbs off her jacket.埃拉掸去她外衣上的面包屑Granny crumbed the table.奶奶把桌上的面包屑拂去。A bird was eating crumbs from her outstretched hand.一只鸟正从她伸出的手中吃面包屑Add a pinch of salt and half a cup of breadcrumbs.加一小撮盐和半杯面包屑The bird pecked the crumb rapidly from between my fingers.这只鸟迅速地啄食我指间的面包屑He put out crumbs for the birds.他将面包屑放在外面喂鸟儿。The child snowed crumbs of bread broadcast.那孩子把面包屑撒得到处都是。There were crumbs and grains of sugar on the table.桌子上有面包屑和糖粒。It is important that food be breaded just minutes before frying.把食物抹上面包屑后过几分钟就炸,这一点很重要。She served breaded pork chops.她端上了裹着面包屑的炸猪排。Egg the fish and dip it in breadcrumbs.把鱼裹上蛋液,然后蘸上面包屑She bit into the roll, scattering crumbs.她咬了一口面包卷,面包屑散落下来。Coat the fish in bread crumbs before frying it.煎鱼之前先将鱼身裹上一层面包屑The maid brushed the crumbs from the table.女佣拂去桌上的面包屑He ate doughnuts in the car, powdering the seats with sugar and crumbs.他在汽车里吃甜甜圈,将糖和面包屑撒在了座位上。She wiped the crumbs off the table with a brush of her hand.她用手拂去了桌上的面包屑Spread breadcrumbs on a dry baking sheet and crisp them in the oven.面包屑撒在干燥的烤盘上,然后放在烤箱里烤脆。She swept up all the breadcrumbs from the work surface.她扫掉了操作台上所有的面包屑She stood up to brush the crumbs off her uniform.她站起身来把面包屑从制服上拂去。The bird pecked at the bread crumbs.鸟儿啄食面包屑He flipped a crumb across the room.他把面包屑弹到房间那一头。One bird was bold enough to come and peck crumbs from the table.有只鸟胆子很大,飞过来啄桌上的面包屑Sprinkle the breadcrumbs over the mixture before baking.烘烤前将面包屑撒在混合料上。She was in the kitchen sweeping crumbs into a dustpan.她正在厨房把面包屑扫到簸箕里。She flicked a crumb off the corner of her mouth.她擦掉嘴角的面包屑She was in the kitchen sweeping crumbs into a dust pan.她正在厨房把面包屑扫入簸箕里。He removed the crumb with a flip of the thumb and forefinger.他用拇指与食指轻轻弹去面包屑Roll the fish in breadcrumbs and grill it for half an hour.将鱼在面包屑里滚一下,然后烤半小时。Rub the bowl with garlic before adding the breadcrumbs.先用大蒜擦擦碗,然后再加入面包屑She breaded the pork chop before frying it.她先在猪排上洒上面包屑而后再煎。




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