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English is the medium of instruction in many African countries.英语是许多非洲国家的教学语言。In some African countries, the women do most of the agricultural work.在有些非洲国家,妇女要干大部分的农活。African nations last week joined forces to combat cholera.上周非洲国家通力合作抗击霍乱。China has formed a close alignment with some African countries.中国已经与一些非洲国家结成了紧密的联盟。The station provided live commentary on the African Nations Cup.该台对非洲国家杯进行了实况报道。There are plans to provide full debt relief for some African countries.有些计划对一些非洲国家提供完全债务免除。Chinese paddy rice has been naturalized in some African countries.中国水稻已经在一些非洲国家移植成功。We had to memorize the names of all the countries in Africa.我们必须记住所有非洲国家的名称。Smallpox is making its last stand in some African countries.天花在某几个非洲国家尚未灭绝。A number of African countries are slipping through the net.一些非洲国家被漏掉了。Volunteers need to be sensitized to the cultural differences they will meet in African countries.志愿者需要学会认识他们在非洲国家将遇到的文化差异。The team failed to qualify for the African Nations Cup finals.该队未能闯入非洲国家杯决赛。 |