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He had a very heavy workload.他的工作负担非常重。When our old cat became very sick we had to ask the vet to put her down.我家的老猫病得非常重,我们不得不叫兽医把它人道杀死。Airport officials became suspicious when the man tried to check what they describe as a conspicuously heavy bag.那名男子托运行李时引起了机场人员的怀疑,他们说他的旅行袋非常重,惹人注意。It was certainly serious enough for him to reconvene Parliament.他重新召集国会当然是件非常重大的事了。She was clearly very ill, and at times her speech was incoherent.她显然病得非常重,有时话也说不清。 |