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The battle scene in the movie was very realistic. 这部电影里的战争场景非常真实。The cinema is a very truthful medium because the camera doesn't let you get away with anything.电影是一种非常真实的媒体,因为摄影机不让你作假。The movie portrayed the battle very realistically.这部电影非常真实地刻画了那场战斗。Dreams can sometimes seem very real.梦境有时显得非常真实。The film is frighteningly true-to-life and very funny.这部电影拍得非常真实,而且十分搞笑。She was saying how true to life the characters in the film were.她在说电影中的人物非常真实。The film showed life in the poor areas with great reality.影片非常真实地展现了贫困地区的生活。 |