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词汇 五百
例句 His personal worth is estimated at five million dollars. 他的个人资产估计有五百万美元。He bought altogether 500 hectares of land.他总共买了五百公顷土地。One conservative estimate is that he stole five million dollars.保守估计,他盗窃了五百万美元。They originally asked for $5 million, but finally settled for a lesser sum.他们原先要五百万美元,但最后同意少一些。He must be raking in $500 a week.他一定是一星期赚五百美元。The teacher limited his students to 500 words for their compositions.老师把学生的作文限制在五百字以内。Write an essay of about five hundred words.写一篇大约五百字的文章。Five hundred people filled the lecture hall.来了五百人,把演讲厅都挤满了。They spin at 400-500 revolutions per minute.它们每分钟旋转四百到五百周。Aunt Alice died, leaving almost $5 million.艾丽斯姑妈死了,留下将近五百万美元的钱。Each of us subscribed for 500 shares.我们每人认购五百股。He farms 500 acres.他耕种五百英亩地。Congress appropriated $5 million for International Woman's Year.国会为国际妇女年拨款五百万美元。Raindrops fall at a speed of about 500 to 1,000 feet a minute.雨点以每分钟大约五百到一千英尺的速度下降。That apartment lets for $500 a month.那公寓房子以每月五百美元出租。From São Paulo to Rio and back is a round trip of five hundred miles.从圣保罗到里约热内卢往返共有五百多英里。He sank five million dollars in the new company.他为新公司投资了五百万美元。The lottery is up to five million dollars.彩票抽奖奖金达到了五百万美元。It will cost in the region of $500.它大约得花费五百美元。He put in a claim for $500 damages.他提出一项五百美元赔偿的要求。I placed an order with them for 500 pairs of shoes.我向他们定购了五百双鞋子。




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