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This agreement is very ambiguous and open to various interpretations.这份协议非常含糊,可以有多种解释。Unfortunately the instructions were ambiguous and we didn't know which part of the program to run.很糟糕,说明书非常含糊,我们搞不清执行程序的哪一部分。He was very vague about how this would actually work.对于实际上会起到什么样的作用,他的表述非常含糊。The terms of the contract are very unclear.合同的条款非常含糊。She left a very ambiguous message on the answerphone last night.昨晚她在留言电话上讲了些意思非常含糊的话。The wording of the law is highly ambiguous.这项法律的措词非常含糊。 |