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词汇 practicable
例句 Before the era of electronics, television did not seem practicable.在电子时代之前,电视似乎是不现实的东西。It may not always be practicable to follow exactly the recommendations.完全按照建议行事并非总能行得通。Is it practicable to try to develop agriculture in desert regions?试图在沙漠地区发展农业可行吗? Jack's scheme for raising money is practicable.杰克筹款的计划是可行的。The mountain track is not practicable in winter.那条山路在冬季无法通行。The idea is interesting but not practicable, I'm afraid.这个想法固然有趣,但恐怕不可行。The only practicable course of action is to sell the company.唯一可行的做法是把公司卖掉。The decision will be made at the earliest practicable date.将在尽可能早的日期作出这项决定。Within the compass of a normal sized book such a comprehensive survey was not practicable.在通常一本书的篇幅中要作如此全面的调查不太实际。Teachers can only be expected to do what is reasonable and practicable.教师只应该做合情合理而且切实可行的事。Any incident must be reported as soon as is practicable.任何事件一旦可能发生,都必须马上报告。There's no practicable way to do the experiment with the current technology.用目前的技术做这项实验尚不可行。It is not reasonably practicable to offer her the original job back.让她继续做原来的工作在情理上行不通。The university should provide timely notification where practicable.大学应该在可行的情况下及时给予通知。Someday it may be practicable to efficiently use waste as fuel.将来,高效利用垃圾作燃料也许是可行的。It is their duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the equipment is safe.只要力所能及,确保设备安全是他们的职责。We aim to reduce, to the maximum extent practicable, the discharge of pollutants.我们的目标是在最大可行的程度上减少污染物的排放。It was not appropriate or reasonably practicable to call the brigade.当时叫消防队来既不合适也不合理。The stadium shall undertake to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the safety of persons not in their employment.该体育场要在合理可行的范围内尽可能确保非雇佣人员的安全。We will do this as soon as is reasonably practicable.一旦条件许可,我们就会采取行动。The tribunal has found that these buildings have to be strengthened as soon as practicable.审理委员裁定,在实际可行时应对这些建筑进行加固。




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