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词汇 delivered
例句 The hurricane has delivered a blow to the area's hopes of revival.飓风沉重打击了这个地区复苏的希望。They delivered a truckload of fill for the trench.他们运了一卡车的土方去填沟。She delivered a final serve from the baseline to win the match.她从底线发出了致胜的一球。He delivered his speech from a video prompter.他借助电视提词机发表演说。It is terribly important that the package be delivered tomorrow.包裹务必明天送到,这非常重要。How is primary health care best delivered?怎样才能最好地提供基本的保健服务?He delivered the speech in rhyme. 他在演讲时用了押韵。The parcel was delivered last week.那个邮包上周送到了。The contract should be signed, sealed, and delivered by tomorrow.合同应在明天之前签名、盖章、交付。He delivered his election forecast.他公布了对选举结果的预测。The package was delivered to the office this morning.包裹是在今天上午送到办公室的。She fluffed some of her lines but delivered others well.她念错了一些台词,不过其余台词讲得很好。All the firm's accounting records have now been delivered up to the court.公司所有的会计记录现已呈交法庭。Doctors yesterday delivered an overwhelming vote of no confidence in controversial health service shake-ups.对于备受争议的公共医疗卫生服务体系的改革整顿举措,昨天医生们投出了压倒多数的不信任票。The dishes were broken when they were delivered, so I had to return them.这些餐具在运送时损坏了,所以我只好退货。He delivered an important report at the meeting.他在会上作了重要报告。Certain classes of mail have to be signed for when they are delivered.某些类的邮件在送达时必须签收。She delivered a blow to his stomach.她朝着他的腹部重重一击。Speeches delivered by Mr Dewar and Mr Wallace indicated their views were converging.杜瓦先生和华莱士先生发表的演讲表明他们两人的观点不谋而合。Your parcel will not be delivered without the proper postage.邮票面值不够的话,您的包裹就无法投递。Sharett had betrayed him and delivered him to the enemy.沙雷特出卖了他,并把他交给了敌人。The mail was delivered late today.今天邮件送得迟了。Daniel delivered his message with telegraphic brevity.丹尼尔像发电报般简明扼要地传达了信息。He ticked the items that were delivered one by one.他把业已交付的物品逐项作了记号。I signed for the package when it was delivered.包裹到时我签收了。We had ordered a pale blue armchair but the one that was delivered was dark green.我们订购的是一把淡蓝色的扶手椅,但送来的却是深绿色的。He delivered a mighty blow with a club.他用棍子用力一击。Mail not delivered at the original address must be endorsed to show the next address.未能按原址递送的邮件必须批注另一投寄地址。The minister delivered a long eulogy.部长致以长篇的悼词。They have delivered the terrorists a telling blow.他们已给恐怖分子有力的痛击。She delivered the speech in her own inimitable style.她以自己独特的风格发表了演讲。He delivered a meandering speech about his early career.他漫无边际地讲述了自己的早期职业生涯。The documents were delivered by special messenger.文件由特派信使送达。A group of soldiers were delivered up to the enemy at the border.在边界上一群士兵被移交给了敌方。He delivered a heavy blow to his opponent.他给了对手重重一击。That firm is a bunch of swindlers. Don't pay them anything until the goods have been delivered and checked.那家公司里的人是一帮骗子。在货物送到并验收以前,一分钱也不要付。The president delivered his speech from the Oval Office.总统在椭圆形办公室发表了讲话。Experts fear a humanitarian catastrophe if food isn't delivered to the refugees soon.专家们担心如果食品不能很快送到难民手中,会出现人道主义灾难。The speech was delivered with great eloquence.这次演讲气势恢宏。We have our groceries delivered.我们需要的食品杂货都是送货上门的。




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