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词汇 雷达
例句 The army used electronic countermeasures to block enemy radar.军队用电子干扰装置来对抗敌军雷达It was yet another case where the human eye outperformed radar.这又一次证明了肉眼胜过雷达In radar, the signals used are pulses.雷达中,使用的信号是脉冲。When radar arrived, the course of the war changed.雷达出现后,战争的进程改变了。The US crew fixed its radar on the Turkish ship.美国船员将雷达对准那艘土耳其船。The next scan of the radar confirmed the ship's location.雷达的第二次扫描确证了那条船的位置。By flying low, the plane avoided detection by enemy radar.这架飞机飞得很低,躲过了敌人雷达的探测。Before it crashes into sea, the plane was a constant blip on the radar screen.在飞机失事坠海之前,它一直是雷达萤幕上的一小点。The area was scanned for signs of enemy aircraft.该空域由雷达扫描以便发现敌机踪迹。The entire flight is tracked on radar.飞行全程由雷达跟踪。Radars were knocked out, aircraft shot down.雷达被摧毁,飞机被击落。An unidentified flying object appeared on the radar screen.一个不明飞行物出现在雷达萤幕上。The submarine is impossible to detect on radar.雷达不可能探测到这种潜艇。A radar-like device will detect ice and dust hazes in the atmosphere.一台雷达似的装置将探测大气中形成雾霾的冰晶和灰尘。At some stage he left the Artillery to command a radar unit.有段时间他离开了炮兵部队去指挥一支雷达小分队。A radar sounder on the Mars orbiter will let scientists probe beneath the surface.火星轨道飞船上的一台雷达测深仪可以让科学家更好地探测火星的地表以下部分。Our radar began tracking the jets.我们的雷达开始追踪喷气式飞机的动向。The aircraft is designed to evade detection by radar.这架飞机经设计可以躲避雷达的侦查。Enemy aircraft were detected by our radar.敌机被我方雷达发现。The plane is meant to be invisible to radar.都说这飞机在雷达上监测不到。The ship's radar scanned the sea ahead.船上的雷达扫描了前方的海域。The radar waves bounce off objects in their path.雷达波在路径上碰到物体就反射回来。Radar established the precise location of the aircraft.雷达确定了飞机的准确位置。On top of this is all the information from radars, satellites, radios and the monitoring of communications.另外,还有所有来自于雷达、卫星和无线电的信息,以及通信监测信息。Visitors can view live radar images and listen in to the control tower.参观者可以观看实时的雷达图像并监听控制塔指令。There are enemy aircraft on the radar screen.雷达萤屏上出现了敌人的飞机。His radar would not lock on, would not recognize the target.他的雷达不会自动跟踪、不会识别该目标。The radar sends out radio waves and listens for echoes from enemy craft.雷达发出无线电波,捕捉敌机的反射信号。The aircraft suddenly went off the radar.飞机突然从雷达显示屏上消失了。The approaching planes were detected by radar.正在靠近的几架飞机被雷达发现了。




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