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词汇 delegation
例句 The French delegation is just arriving at the conference.法国代表团刚到会。It gives me great pleasure to welcome the delegation.我很高兴能迎接代表团的到来。The delegation will visit several Middle Eastern countries for talks.代表团将到访几个中东国家参加会谈。The health ministers agreed to meet a delegation of heart patients.卫生部长同意会见心脏病人代表团。The delegation was headed by a deputy mayor.代表团由一位副市长率领。The Prime Minister met with an all-party delegation from the city council.首相接见了来自市政委员会的各党派联合代表团。The delegation submitted a memorandum to the Commons on the blatant violations of basic human rights.代表团就公然违反基本人权的事件向下议院提交了一份备忘录。The delegation was carrying a message of thanks to President Mubarak.代表团向穆巴拉克总统转达了谢意。The army provided a small armed escort for the delegation.军方为代表团配备了小型武装卫队。The delegation arrived for talks with their government.与政府会谈的代表团已抵达。The delegation will report back to Congress on the situation inside China.代表团将把中国内部形势向国会作汇报。The delegation is scheduled to arrive tomorrow.代表团定于明日到达。Headteachers have sent a delegation to London to ask the government to put more money into education.中小学校长已派出一个代表团去伦敦,请求政府对教育投入更多的经费。The delegation met the premier for dinner in the preamble to the long series of talks.代表团在漫长的一系列会谈开始之前会见了总理并共进晚餐。The delegation hopes to reinforce the idea that human rights are not purely internal matters.代表团想要强化这样一个观念,即人权问题不仅仅是内部的事情。The delegation submitted a memorandum to the Commons on the blatant violations of basic human rights.代表团向下院呈交了有关公然侵犯基本人权的备忘录。Many of these tasks can be dealt with by delegation.这些任务中有不少可以授权给下级处理。A key factor in running a business is the delegation of responsibility.企业经营的一个关键要素是分派责任。A trade delegation will visit Kuwait.一支贸易代表团将访问科威特。The top post in the delegation was still vacant.代表团中的最高职位仍旧空着。The Ohio delegation nominated a native son.俄亥俄州代表团提名一个出生于本州的人为候选人。Visas were withheld from some members of the delegation.代表团的一些成员被拒发签证。He served as military adviser to the Japanese delegation.他曾担任日本代表团的军事顾问。A delegation from Nigeria has arrived to have talks with the British foreign minister.尼日利亚的一个代表团已抵达,将与英国外交大臣举行会谈。Their delegation threw a giant monkey wrench into the process this week by raising all sorts of petty objections.他们的代表团本周提出了各种细枝末节的反对意见,极在地阻挠了进程。They gave a banquet in honour of the delegation.他们设宴招待代表团。He addressed the members of the delegation with a formal greeting.他对代表团成员表示正式欢迎。He's been chosen to lead the delegation to the conference.他被任命为参加此次大会的代表团团长。An Iranian delegation visited northern Iraq to mediate between rival Kurdish groups.一支伊朗代表团访问了伊拉克北部,在敌对的库尔德人族群间调停。The delegation was carrying a message of thanks to President Mubarak.代表团此行要向穆巴拉克总统转致谢意。A well-known academic will head the delegation.代表团将由一位著名学者率领。All managers should learn effective delegation.所有经理都应该学会有效地把工作授权给下级。A United States' delegation is in Japan seeking finance for a major scientific project.一个美国代表团正在日本为一项重大科研项目寻求资金支持。He told the delegation that encampment of Renamo troops will not begin until the group gets its share of the aid.他告诉代表团,莫桑比克全国抵抗运动组织的部队在获得应有的援助前将不会扎营。The delegation arrived in London last Monday.代表团上星期一抵达伦敦。The high-powered delegation includes military and foreign intelligence chiefs.这个高层代表团包括军事将领和外交情报部门长官。The delegation will be home next week.代表团将于下周回国。A United States delegation is in Japan seeking finance for a major scientific project.一个美国代表团正在日本为一大型科研项目寻求资助。The most diplomatically active of the six participants sent a delegation to the capital.六个参与方中外交上最积极的一方向首都派出了一支代表团。He was sent to New York as part of the Dutch delegation to the United Nations.他作为出席联合国会议的荷兰代表团成员被派往纽约。




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