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词汇 雨水
例句 Regular forking of beds and borders relieves the compaction caused by rain.时常翻动一下花圃和草坪四周会让被雨水压紧的土壤松动松动。The rain has rotted the roof beams.雨水烂蚀了顶梁。The parched soil soaked up the rain.干巴巴的土壤吮吸雨水Rainwater had washed away all the topsoil.雨水把表层土都冲走了。The flowers failed for lack of rain.花因缺雨水而凋谢。My hair's still damp from the rain.我的头发被雨水淋湿还没干。The field was guttered by the rain.田地被雨水冲出沟槽。Sunshine and rain are beneficial to the crops in the field.日光和雨水有益于田间作物。Rainwater collects here and then discharges into the river Kennett.雨水在这里聚积,然后排放到肯尼特河中。Big drops of rain slid down the window pane.大滴大滴的雨水从窗户玻璃上滑下来。Rain thrummed on the roof.雨水敲打着屋顶。We hope Mother Nature will save the crops by bringing rain.我们希望大自然能够带来雨水救活这些庄稼。The rain ran down the window pane.雨水沿着窗玻璃往下流。Rainwater may corrode the steel containers.雨水也许会把这些钢制集装箱腐蚀掉。The rain fell lightly on the roof.雨水轻轻洒落在屋顶上。The tent's riddled with holes and the rain's coming in.帐篷上全是洞眼,雨水正在漏进来。It's a good idea to collect rainwater for use in the garden.雨水收集起来浇花是个好主意。Rain and sun develop the grain.阳光和雨水促使谷物生长。The rain spattered on the uppermost leaves.雨水溅落在最上面的树叶上。Rain had dampened the tent so we left it to dry in the afternoon sun.雨水打湿了帐篷,午后我们把它放到太阳底下晒。Rainwater causes flooding when it can't drain away.雨水如果排不掉就会引起洪水。Rain pattered lightly on the window.雨水轻轻敲打窗户。The rain beat on the roof.雨水打在屋顶上。Rain made Paul's eyelashes stick together.雨水使保罗的睫毛贴在了一起。The rain permeated through/into the soil.雨水渗透进土壤。He looked up and down the rain-swept street.他仔细打量着被雨水冲刷的街道。The rain's coming. We have to fix the roof.雨水进来了。我们得把屋顶修理一下。The rain sank into the dry soil.雨水渗入干涸的土壤。The rain slackens off in July and August.七八月的时候雨水就没那么多了。The excess rainwater collected in the gully.多余的雨水汇流到水沟里。I heard the rain impinge upon the earth.我听到雨水在冲刷大地。The rain splashed against the window.雨水劈啪劈啪地打在窗子上。The rain trickled down the windscreen.雨水从挡风玻璃上淌下。The rain prevented her having clear vision of the road ahead.雨水使她看不清楚前面的路。Rainwater will only percolate through slowly.雨水只会慢慢地渗进来。They kept a bucket outside to catch the rain.他们在外面放了个桶接雨水The children flinched as the cold rain splashed them.冰冷的雨水一浇,孩子们都一激灵。Another bountiful monsoon is under way, flooding the pores and cracks of a parched land.眼下又是一个雨量充沛的雨季,充沛的雨水淹没了干裂的土地。He changed out of his rain-drenched clothes.他把被雨水湿透的衣服换了下来。The rain had come in through the bottom of our tent and completely soaked our clothes.雨水从我们的帐蓬底下渗进来,我们的衣服都给浸湿了。




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