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词汇 雇员
例句 Employees are always given a share in decision-making.雇员一直有参与决策的权利。The robbery was committed by a vengeful former employee.这起抢劫案是一个原先的雇员为了报复而犯下的。Employees were asked about their likes and dislikes, and also about how they felt about their working conditions.雇员被问起了他们的好恶,以及他们对工作环境有什么想法。Each employee will be issued an identification card.每位雇员都将配发一张身份识别卡。Freelance workers do not enjoy the benefits of employee status.自由职业者没有与雇员同样的福利。Several of the employees are bilinguals.有几个雇员会两种语言。He knows how you are a valued employee.他知道你是位受器重的雇员Will I be officially self-employed, or will I have employee status?我是要正式成为个体经营者,还是要取得雇员身份?Many of its employees are women.很多雇员是女性。They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees.他们成了介于军事人员与平民雇员之间的边缘人物。Employees had been sexually harassed.雇员们已经遭受到性骚扰。Employees have little direct contact with management.雇员与管理层很少有直接的接触。He has terrorized his employees with threats of instant dismissals.他用立即解职的警告恐吓他的雇员们。This meeting is mandatory for all employees. 所有雇员都必须参加这次会议。Managers use a full arsenal of motivational techniques to get employees to take risks.管理者运用各种激励措施使雇员勇于冒险。Racist remarks by an employer to an employee can amount to unlawful discrimination.雇主对雇员的种族主义言论可以等同于非法歧视。The well-known humanitarian, Joseph Rowntree, was concerned with the welfare of his employees.著名的人道主义者约瑟夫‧荣特里非常关心其雇员的福利。The new employee was attached to the sales department.新来的雇员被派在销售部工作。Employees’ records are kept on file for one year after they have left the company.雇员离开公司后,其记录会存档一年。Many of us warmed to the new employee at once.我们中许多人立刻喜欢上了那位新来的雇员Her promotion may have an indirect effect on the morale of other employees.她的提升可能会间接影响到其他雇员的士气。Employees are instructed how to make a complaint.雇员接受如何投诉的训练。A new pension plan for employees is now under consideration.一个新的雇员退休金计划目前正在考虑中。Employees should have some latitude in organizing their work.雇员应该有一定的自主度来安排自己的工作。Employees of the company are increasingly dissatisfied with their jobs.这家公司的雇员对自己的工作越来越不满意。Some of the employees working for this firm have been downgraded.这家公司有几名雇员被降了职。The Department was notorious for its blatant discrimination against non-U.S. citizen employees.这个部门因公然歧视非美国公民雇员而臭名远扬。The company's welfare officer deals with employees' personal problems.公司负责福利的工作人员处理雇员的个人问题。Some employees are muttering about the changes in the pension plan.一些雇员私下里抱怨养老金计划的改变。Employees regularly stay late to complete tasks, but they are not paid overtime.雇员经常为完成工作留得很晚,但是却拿不到加班费。The company holds regular meetings with employees.公司定期和雇员开会。The employees were fired for divulging trade secrets to a competitor.这些雇员因向竞争对手泄露商业机密而被解雇。Companies want to prevent their best and brightest employees from being headhunted by rival organizations.各家公司都希望防止自己最优秀最聪明的雇员被竞争对手挖走。The protests were sparked by the firing of two restaurant employees.抗议是由解雇两名饭店雇员引发的。Employees must meet certain eligibility requirements.雇员必须满足某些适任要求。Employees who steal are dismissed automatically.盗窃公司财物的雇员理所当然会被开除。Today any employee with back or shoulder pain can go straight to Mr Jay and the company will pick up the tab.现如今,不论哪位雇员的背部或肩膀疼,都可以直接去找杰伊先生,费用由公司承担。The boss could fire any employee who had ever displeased him.老板可以开除任何曾得罪过他的雇员Many employers seek diversity in their staffs.很多雇主寻求雇员的多样性。He had represented himself as an employee in order to gain access to the files.他为了接触到这些文件谎称自己是雇员




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