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词汇 雇主
例句 Homeworkers can easily be exploited by employers.在家工作的人容易被雇主剥削。I can certainly answer for her professionalism, and whole-heartedly recommend her to any employer.我当然可以对她的专业能力作出担保,并竭诚向任何雇主推荐她。Graduates from certain colleges have a lower standing in the eyes of employers.某些学院的毕业生在雇主眼里地位较低。There was no compulsion on employers to take part in the scheme.并不强制雇主加入该计划。She's threatening to sue her employers for wrongful dismissal.她扬言要控告雇主非法解雇。People fear losing coverage if they switch employers.人们担心换了雇主会失去保险。Trade unions bargain with employers for better conditions.工会与雇主谈判以争取更好的条件。The boss didn't make any reference to his former employer.老板没有提及他以前的雇主Some employers throw away all incorrectly hand-written applications without even reading them.对于书写有误的求职信,一些雇主甚至看也不看就扔掉了。Employers support the training program by offering places for young people.雇主们支持这个培训计划,为年轻人提供职位。To qualify for maternity leave you must have worked for the same employer for two years.你必须为同一个雇主工作满两年才能享受产假。The owners agreed to meet the strikers halfway.雇主同意向罢工者让步。Employers will always try to find ways to evade tax.雇主总是会想方设法逃税。The strike has ended. The employers must now keep their side of the bargain and increase overtime pay.罢工已经结束。雇主们现在必须履行自己的诺言,提高加班工资。Are the employers really willing to negotiate?雇主们真的愿意谈判吗?Employers are seeking further clarification of the proposals.雇主们正在寻求进一步澄清这些提案。Until recently, holiday entitlement was informally agreed between individuals and their employer.直到最近员工和雇主才就休假安排达成非正式协议。A lot of employers are coming around to the idea that older employees have a lot to offer a company.许多雇主正在改变看法,相信年长的员工对公司贡献很大。Should you attempt to take your employer to court alone, or enlist the support of your trade union?你是要单枪匹马把雇主送上法庭,还是要寻求工会的支持?We will need a reference from your last employer before we can send you a contract.我们给你合同之前,需要你上一位雇主的推荐信。This has, in fact, turned out to be a wonderful escape clause for dishonest employers everywhere.事实上,这已经成为所有狡猾的雇主们用来躲避责任的绝妙条款。How much does it cost an employer to provide daycare facilities?一个雇主为员工提供日托设施需要花多少钱?Her abilities are not fully appreciated by her employer.她的才干没有得到雇主的充分赏识。You wouldn't expect the union to side with the employers against their own members, would you?你不会想到工会站在雇主一边和自己的会员对抗吧?His former employer agreed to act as a referee for him.他的前任雇主同意做他的推荐人。The company has proved to be a most benevolent employer.事实证明,这家公司是非常好的雇主You can claim compensation if your injury is a result of your employer's negligence.如果受伤是由于雇主疏忽造成的,可以申请赔偿。Employees can contract out of their employer's occupational pension scheme.雇员可以退出雇主的职业养老金计划。There are many things an employer can do to ease employees' stress.雇主可以用多种方法缓解员工的压力。She received the full blessing of her employers.她得到了雇主们的全力支持。Employers are expecting an onslaught of recent college graduates looking for jobs.雇主们期待近期大学毕业生的求职热潮出现。She had told her employers that she would be getting professional advice on her rights.她已告诉雇主,对于她的权利,她要去咨询专家意见。He still harbors deep feelings of resentment toward his former employer.他依然对前任雇主深怀怨恨。Employers may rotate duties to give staff wider experience.雇主可以轮换工作岗位,以丰富员工的经验。The employees were given a day off to watch the owner's horse run at York races.为了去观看雇主的马在约克赛马中的表现,雇员们放假一天。This prompted many employers to appraise their selection and recruitment policies.这促使许多雇主考量其人才选拔和招聘政策。She tries to balance the needs of her children with those of her employer.她尽力在孩子的需要与雇主的需要之间求得平衡。One of the easiest ways to leverage a charitable gift is to get your employer to match it. 让一笔慈善捐赠款增加的最容易的办法是让你的雇主捐出同样多的钱。The employer guaranteed a certain return on retirement investment.雇主保证退休金投资会获得一定的回报。It is illegal to give a false name to your employer.雇主提供假名是非法的。




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