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例句 All the bigwigs of the city gathered together to discuss the formation of a new development bank.这个城市的所有的大亨聚集在一起讨论如何成立一家新建设银行。Time out of mind the people of the village had gathered together on this day to give thanks.很多年以前,这个村的居民就有了在这一天聚集在一起感恩拜谢的习俗。People had gathered and were talking excitedly.人们聚集在一起,兴奋地谈论着。The class convened to critique the student's latest painting.全班聚集在一起评论那名学生的最新画作。Heads of state from all over the Arab world gathered for the conference.阿拉伯世界的国家元首聚集在一起参加会议。A crowd of protesters, some brandishing sticks and machetes, had gathered.一群抗议者聚集在一起,其中一些挥舞着棍子和大砍刀。Many people gathered to meet the Queen during her walkabout.女王视察时许多人聚集在一起想见到她。Audiophiles like to get together to discuss who has what kind of high-quality audio equipment.音响迷喜欢聚集在一起讨论谁有什么高级音响器材。I need to gather together our tax documents.我需要把我们所有的税务文件收集在一起Under certain given circumstances, an agglomeration of men presents new characteristics very different from those of the individuals composing it.在某种特定情况下,人们聚集在一起时表现出新的特征,它们与这些人单独表现的特征很不相同。Businessmen cluster together to get ideas, tips, personal contacts anything to get a step ahead of the computer.商人们聚集在一起寻求创意、建议、人际关系等,以便能比计算机领先一步。The team got together to brainstorm (the project).组员们聚集在一起(就这个项目)集思广益。His vision is of a world that coheres through human connection rather than rules.他构想中的世界是通过人际关系而非规章制度聚集在一起的。The females congregate every spring to give birth to their young.这些雌性动物每到春天便聚集在一起产崽。Young people came from the four corners of the world to join in the celebrations.来自五湖四海的年轻人聚集在一起庆祝。A hard core of supporters gathered to see the star arrive.支持者中的中坚分子聚集在一起一睹这位明星的到来。Industries in Britain tend to be clustered together.英国的工业往往会聚集在一起The debate brings together experts with conflicting views.这次辩论将意见对立的专家聚集在一起The crew would congregate to gam the hours away.船员们经常聚集在一起闲聊以消磨时间。




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