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词汇 难闻
例句 The sour cream smells kind of funky.发酸的奶油有股难闻的味道。I smelt a terrible odor.我闻到一股难闻的气味。The garbage gave off an unpleasant smell.垃圾发出一股难闻的气味。He smelled rather ripe, and Thomas moved away from him.他身上有一股相当难闻的气味,因此托马斯走开了。The smell was so bad that I could barely force myself to stay in the room.那气味太难闻了,我几乎无法强迫自己留在那房间里。The smell of stale smoke hit him as he entered.他进去的时候一股难闻的烟味扑鼻而来。What's that horrible smell?是什么气味这么难闻Opening the door, she made a face at the musty smell.她打开门后闻到一股难闻的霉味,不禁做了个鬼脸。The medicine left a bad taste in his mouth.这种药服用后在他嘴里留下了难闻的味道。A foul miasma lay over the town.一阵难闻的瘴气笼罩在小镇的上空。The smell was very unpleasant.这气味很难闻Those onions are stinking the whole house out.那些洋葱弄得满屋子都是一股难闻的气味。It's not an unpleasant smell.这不是一种难闻的气味。There was a terrible smell, and the room emptied in seconds.房间里有一种难闻的味道,几秒钟内人就都走空了。The vacuum has an unpleasant smell.那个真空吸尘器有股很难闻的气味。I could smell this awful stench of beer.我能闻到啤酒难闻的臭味。The entire house reeked for a long time.整座房子长时间一直有股难闻的味道。The food looked good, but the smell was awful.这食物看来不错,可味道很难闻A drunk man walked in, repulsive both in appearance and odour.一个醉汉走了进来,模样可憎,酒气难闻His clothes smelled most unpleasant.他的衣服有一种特难闻的气味。I think the smell's getting worse.我觉得这气味越来越难闻了。There's a nasty smell in here.这里有股难闻的气味。Noisome vapours arise from the mud left in the docks.难闻的蒸汽由船坞中余留的泥浆散发出来。Put out that stinking cigar.请灭掉那支难闻雪茄。She tried using perfume to mask the bad odor.她试着用香水遮住难闻的臭味。There was a bad smell coming from the basement.地下室里散发出一股难闻的气味。Cheap perfume often smells nasty after a couple of hours.廉价香水几个小时之后往往会变得很难闻There was a disgusting smell in the house - a bit like rotten eggs.屋子里有股难闻的气味,有点像臭鸡蛋。The medicine left a nasty taste in my mouth.我吃完这药后,嘴里留下一股难闻的味道。A horrible odor assailed our noses. 一股难闻的气味扑鼻而来。What is that vile odor?那种难闻的气味是什么?Ugh! You're all sweaty and horrible!啊!你全身都是汗,太难闻了!This room has a very nasty smell.这房间有一股很难闻的气味。This cheese stinks!这块奶酪太难闻了!There was goat's milk stinking out the fridge.冰箱里全是山羊奶难闻的气味。There was an unpleasant smell coming from the drains.下水道里发出一种难闻的气味。It's smelling the room out.这使房间里有股很难闻的气味。No offence, but there's a terrible smell in here.请别见怪,不过这里有股很难闻的气味。The house was empty, and the rooms had a stale, damp smell.那房子是空的,房间里面都有一股潮湿难闻的气味。The smell was so bad it almost made me throw up.那气味太难闻了,差一点让我吐出来。




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