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词汇 吉普车
例句 We stopped in a small village to quench our thirst and refuel the jeep.我们在一个小村庄里停下来喝水解渴,并给吉普车加油。Our jeep bounced along the rough track.我们的吉普车沿着崎岖小路颠簸前行。The jeep bumped along the rough mountain road.吉普车在崎岖的山路上颠簸行驶。Heavily laden donkeys joined the procession of jeeps and trucks.满载货物的驴子加入了吉普车和卡车的队伍。Our jeep eased through the crowds.我们的吉普车小心翼翼地驶过人群。He found a small travelling rug in the back of the jeep.他发现吉普车后部有一条旅行小盖毯。Kenya has many safari parks where tourists may ride on jeeps to view wild animals.肯亚有许多野生动物公园,旅客可以坐在吉普车上观赏野生动物。Just before we drew level with the gates, he slipped out of the jeep and disappeared into the crowd.我们快到门前时,他溜出吉普车,消失在人群中。The bags were lashed tightly to the roof of the jeep.旅行袋紧紧绑在吉普车的车顶上。There was a machine gun mounted on the back of the Jeep.吉普车的后部架着一挺机关枪。The Jeep was carrying six men from the artillery brigade. Only one survived.这辆吉普车载着六个炮兵旅的人,只有一人生还。She had some pretty frightening experiences. On one occasion her jeep was hijacked by a group of armed soldiers.她有过几次可怕的经历。有一回,她的吉普车被一群武装士兵劫持了。The jeep bumped on, often in four-wheel drive.吉普车颠簸着向前,常常四轮驱动。A jeep has it over a regular car on rough mountain trails.在崎岖的山路上行驶,吉普车优于普通汽车。An army jeep was parked outside their house.一辆军用吉普车停在他们家门外。The jeep bucketed over the rocky road.吉普车在坎坷的石路上颠簸前进。They thrust him into the back of a jeep.他们将他推进吉普车的后部。I have to work on the Jeep over the weekend.周末我得修理吉普车The spare tyre on the back of the Jeep was held fast by three strong bolts.吉普车后面的备用轮胎被三个坚固的螺栓牢牢固定住。The jeep lurched to a stop.吉普车猛地一停。Inside the jeep the atmosphere was glacial.吉普车里的气氛冷若冰霜。The jeep bucketed over the bumpy road.吉普车在崎岖不平的路上颠簸行进。Todd winced as the jeep bounced over ruts and craters.吉普车颠簸着开过车辙和坑洼,托德不由得眉头一皱。They raced through the city in jeeps with mounted cannon.他们乘坐装有机关炮的吉普车迅速穿过城市。The two men leaped into the jeep and roared off.两名男子跳上吉普车,疾驰而去。If you lead in the jeep, we'll follow behind on the horses.如果你开吉普车带路,我们就骑马跟在后面。He brought the jeep to its usual crash-halt in the parking space.他像往常那样在停车场把吉普车一下子煞住。Jeeps are rugged vehicles, designed for rough conditions.吉普车是种很坚固耐用的车,专为崎岖难行的路况而设计的。A few of the jeeps had run out of ammunition.有几辆吉普车上的弹药已经用光了。The marines took with them full combat equipment, including tanks, artillery, jeeps, and flamethrowers.海军陆战队带着全副战斗装备,包括坦克、大炮、吉普车和火焰喷射器。Most people who own a Jeep never use it for off-road driving.多数拥有吉普车的人从来没试过越野驾驶。He put the jeep in four-wheel drive and splashed up the slope.他将吉普车切换为四轮驱动模式后涉水爬上了坡。The officials had issued strict instructions that we were not to get out of the jeep.官员严令禁止我们下吉普车The jeep started forward and the wipers began to sing across the screen.吉普车开始向前行驶,刮水器在挡风玻璃上刷刷地来回摆动。The jeep was found lying in thick bush.人们发现吉普车翻倒在一处茂密的丛林里。The jeep was found lying in thick bush.有人发现这辆吉普车停在茂密的丛林里。The photo shows four men grouped round a jeep.照片上是四个男人围着一辆吉普车




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