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词汇 隐秘
例句 As you descend, suddenly you see at last the hidden waterfall.一直往下走,最终你会突然看到那条隐秘的瀑布。The magazine published intimate details of their affair.这本杂志刊登了他们暧昧关系的隐秘细节。Read closely and you will discover an inner meaning to his words.仔细阅读你会发现他言辞中的隐秘含意。They had been living underground as fugitives.他们作为逃亡者一直隐秘地生活。The biography is an attempt to uncover the inner man.该传记试图揭示他内心世界的隐秘Both had much cause to be grateful for the secretiveness of government in Britain.双方都有充分的理由对英国政府的行事隐秘深表感激。Historians claim to have uncovered details of the writer's secret affair.历史学家声称发现了这个作家隐秘恋情的细节。Undercover marketing arouses a discussion of ethical marketing.隐秘营销引发了关于市场营销道德的讨论。Party politics has always been an exercise in compromise.党派政治总是隐秘的妥协活动。Much of the discussion focused upon North Korea's highly secretive nuclear program.讨论的焦点主要是高度隐秘的核计划。There is a mystique about violins, especially old violins.小提琴,尤其是古老的小提琴,常引人考究其隐秘的历史。Silence and secrecy surround the murder.沉默和隐秘围绕着这桩谋杀案。Apparently, he has a son, but he's kept that very dark.他似乎有个儿子,但他把这件事藏得很隐秘Rumor has it that the company use stealth marketers to manipulate online customer comments of their brand.有传闻称这家公司用隐秘市场人员操控网上消费者对他们品牌的评论。You do not expect to see the most intimate details of your marriage splashed across the pages of the newspapers.人们不想在报纸的显眼位置看到自己婚姻中最隐秘的细节。The gold was hidden in a secret cavity.金子藏在一个隐秘的洞穴里。He gets very cagey whenever I ask him about his job.每次我问起他的工作,他都隐秘不说。There was something in the darker recesses of his unconscious that was troubling him.在他更为隐秘的潜意识深处,有什么事情困扰着他。He had spent all his professional life intercepting and interpreting glances and covert looks.他的全部职业生涯都用在了辨识和解读别人的眼光和隐秘的表情上。He is very much a private man and confides in no one.他是个非常隐秘的人,从不向人吐露他的秘密。Being in a small town like this is like living in a fishbowl.生活在这样的一个小镇上就像生活在玻璃鱼缸里一样毫无隐秘可言。Some people think he's a closet homosexual.有人认为,他是个隐秘的同性恋者。The secrecy and swiftness of the invasion shocked and amazed army officers.这次入侵的隐秘和迅速令陆军军官们大为震惊。It gave him the ulterior object of catching votes.这给了他拉选票这个隐秘的目的。Her voice was quiet and confidential.她的声音很轻而且很隐秘Some people see nothing wrong with appearing on a TV show, and revealing their most intimate thoughts.有些人认为上电视坦陈自己最隐秘的思想没什么不妥。




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