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词汇 陪审员
例句 The jurors must look at the facts of the case with complete disinterest. 陪审员必须完全客观地看待与案件相关的事实。Hartridge lied on his jury questionnaire by omitting the fact that he has been sued three times.哈特里奇在陪审员调查问卷中撒了谎,隐瞒了自己曾三次被指控的事实。The judge dismissed another juror.法官又免除了一人的陪审员职务。She has been called up for jury duty.她应召前去担任陪审员He was selected for jury duty. 他被选为陪审员Several years ago I was called for jury duty.几年前我被要求担任过陪审员He didn't help matters by staring menacingly at the jury members.他恶狠狠地盯着陪审员也无济于事。One of the jurors said that Hill's explanation just didn't ring true.其中的一位陪审员说,希尔的解释听上去根本就不真实。Two jurors signified their dissent.两位陪审员表示了异议。I was recently summoned for jury duty.我最近被召来做陪审员The jurors were sworn in.陪审员已宣誓就职。The jurors were unable to agree on a verdict. 陪审员们无法就裁决达成一致。During their sequestration, jurors were not allowed to speak to reporters.陪审员在隔离期间,不得与记者交谈。The jurors are anxious to resume their normal lives again.陪审员急于恢复正常的生活。It is permissible that jurors, before they are sworn in, can be peremptorily challenged.陪审员宣誓就职前可以强制要求其回避。The jurors were unable to agree a verdict.陪审员们无法就裁决达成一致。He sat through the trial as a standby juror.他作为候补陪审员参加了审判的全过程。It took the jurors less than three hours to find Gessler not guilty of murder.陪审员花了三个小时不到便认定格斯勒未犯有谋杀罪。Have you ever been on a jury?你担任过陪审员吗?Several jurors voted for acquittal.几位陪审员投票赞成无罪。I was excused from jury duty.我被免除了陪审员的职务。Jurors were attentive, taking notes during her testimony.在她作证时,陪审员们聚精会神地作记录。The new evidence raised doubts in the minds of jury members.这项新的证据使陪审员心里产生了怀疑。The judge instructed jurors to disregard this information.法官指示陪审员不要理会这一信息。Baker had to convince jurors that his client had been nowhere near the scene of the murder.贝克必须使陪审员相信,他的委托人根本不在凶案现场。One of the jurors agreed to talk about the experience, but did not want to be named.其中一名陪审员愿意谈论这次经历,但不想披露姓名。Jurors were unable to reach a verdict after deliberating two hours Friday afternoon.星期五下午,陪审员讨论了两个小时后,仍无法作出裁决。The jurors saw grisly photos of the crime scene.陪审员们看到了犯罪现场的恐怖照片。The jurors will now begin their deliberations.陪审员马上开始评议。They served on the jury.他们担任陪审员They must persuade the judge that a particular juror is likely to be biased.他们必须说服法官相信有一名陪审员很可能怀有偏见。The plaintiffs probably knew which jurors would be struck from the jury by the defence.原告可能知道被告会把哪几位陪审员从陪审团里划掉。The juryman hangs out against an agreement.陪审员坚持不同意见。All the jury's eyes were on him as he continued.在他继续陈述的时候,全体陪审员的目光都集中在他身上。It was the second time he had been called up for jury duty / service.那是他第二次被选去做陪审员When the individual is made the judge, jury and executioner of whomsoever displeases him, what becomes of law, of order, of civilization?当一个人成了那个冒犯了他的人的法官、陪审员、和死刑执行者时,还会有什么法律、章程、和文明? The jurors kept thrashing over the evidence without being able to reach a verdict.陪审员们对证据作了反复研究但仍不能作出裁决。Are people with criminal records allowed to sit on a jury?有犯罪记录的人能担任陪审员吗?He raised questions meant to plant seeds of doubts in the minds of jurors.他提出几个问题意欲引起陪审员的疑心。Several jurors disbelieved the witness's testimony.有几位陪审员不相信证人的证言。




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