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词汇 通情达理
例句 Cheryl's capacity for understanding and compassion is impressive.谢里尔非常通情达理,极富同情心。If you tell him what happened, I'm sure he'll understand - he's a reasonable man.如果你把发生的事情说给他听,我相信他肯定会理解的——他是个通情达理的人。You need a lot of patience and understanding to be a good parent.要当一名好家长,你需要极富耐性,且通情达理I wish you'd be sensible for once.我希望你至少能通情达理一次。He hasn't always been so understanding. He's really mellowed with age.他并不是一直都这么通情达理。年纪大了,他就变得平和了。He had expected her to be horrified, but she was actually very understanding.他本以为她会惊慌失措,但她实际上非常通情达理We need to discuss this problem reasonably.我们要通情达理地讨论这个问题。She has struck a blow for common sense and human decency.她尽量做到通情达理,同时维护自己做人的尊严。It stands to reason that if you are considerate and friendly to people you will get a lot more back.显然,如果你通情达理,对人友善,那么你肯定会获得更多回报。Please be understanding; do not scold the child.通情达理些,不要责骂孩子。Most voters would be much less charitable.多数选举人不会那么通情达理They've turned sensible, if you take my meaning.他们变得通情达理了,如果你明白我的意思的话。Fortunately for John, he had an understanding wife.幸运的是,约翰有一个通情达理的妻子。It's refreshing to hear somebody speaking common sense.听到有人说话通情达理真是令人耳目一新。My friend is a very understanding person.我的朋友是一个非常通情达理的人。Her boss, who was very understanding, gave her time off.她的上司很通情达理,准了她的假。Our mother was always very reasonable.我们的母亲总是非常通情达理Sometimes she spoke sensibly; sometimes she rambled.有时她说得也还通情达理,有时就是闲扯。She has a very understanding partner.她有个非常通情达理的伙伴。He is a mild man, who is reasonable almost to the point of blandness.他为人温和,几乎通情达理到了令人乏味的地步。He graciously acceded to our request.通情达理地同意了我们的请求。I wrote to my ex-wife. She was very civilised about it.我给前妻写了封信。她对此很通情达理I'm fortunate that I have such an understanding wife.有这样一位通情达理的妻子我运气真好。Gary was a calm and reasonable man.加里是个沉稳而又通情达理的人。With a few notable exceptions, doctors are a pretty sensible lot.除了一些明显的例外,医生都是很通情达理的人。He was at heart a kindly and reasonable man.他本质上是个心地善良、通情达理的人。Luckily, I have a very understanding boss.幸运的是,我有一个非常通情达理的上司。




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