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词汇 阿德里安
例句 Adrian could read when he was four.阿德里安四岁时就识字了。Adrian can't draw to save his life.阿德里安无论如何也不会画画。As soon as Adrian came in, everyone stopped talking.阿德里安一进来,大家就不说话了。!Seeing Adrian again after such a long time really made my day.过了这么久能与阿德里安再次见面真让我感到高兴。When searching for a job Adrian favours networking and writing letters on spec.找工作的时候,阿德里安喜欢通过上网和写信去碰运气。Adrian is a bit slow.阿德里安有点迟钝。Adriana hid in the tunnel connecting the house with the stables.阿德里安娜藏在连接房子和马厩的地道里。Adrian spent a sleepless night wondering what to do.阿德里安一夜未眠,在想该怎么办。John's standing to the left of Adrian in the photo.照片中约翰站在阿德里安的左边。Don't you think Adrian's a bit anally retentive? Look how obsessively orderly everything is in his garage.你不觉得阿德里安有点洁癖吗?你看看他车库里的东西全都摆放得那么整齐,太过头了。Adrian cycled along the dusty road.阿德里安沿着满是尘土的路骑自行车。There was a shout, and suddenly Adrian bounded into the room.传来一声叫喊,阿德里安突然蹦蹦跳跳地跑进了房间。Adrian just had time to see his father jump into the truck and drive off in a cloud of dust.阿德里安只来得及看见父亲跳入卡车,在一阵飞扬的尘土中疾驶而去。Adrian finally relinquished Eva's hand from his grip.最后阿德里安只好松开了握着伊娃的手。




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