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词汇 parking
例句 He steered his car carefully into the parking space.他小心地把车开进停车位。The authority has announced its intention to crack down on illegal parking.官方宣布了打击违章停车的计划。The city cops wink at the mayor's parking violations.这些城市警察对市长违规停车视而不见。I couldn't find a parking space near the shops.商店附近我找不到停车位。Students converged in the parking lot to say goodbye after graduation.毕业典礼后学生们聚集在停车场话别。She heard the truck parking in front of the building.她听到卡车停在楼前。It was only by a stroke of luck that we found a parking spot.我们只是靠运气找到了停车位。They have plenty of free parking.他们有很多免费停车位。Bob reversed into a parking space.鲍勃把车倒进一个车位。Denise isn't very good at parking yet.丹尼斯停车还不是太好。She was parked illegally in a handicapped parking spot.她把车违规停放在了残障人士停车位。Yeah, we really lucked out and got a parking space right in front.是啊,我们真走运,正好在前面有一个停车位。The local authority plans to introduce new regulations on parking.地方当局计划推出新的停车管理规则。There is plenty of parking.停车场地很充足。There are parking restrictions with exemptions for disabled drivers.停车有限制,但残疾司机无须遵守。The unattended vehicles were in the parking lot of a Marystown motel.无主车辆都在玛丽斯敦一家汽车旅馆的停车场上。Four storeys of parking beneath the theatre was not enough.剧院下面的四层停车场不够用。Employees are not to leave their cars in the company parking lot overnight.员工不可以将车停在公司停车场内过夜。It's hard to find parking near the school.学校附近很难找到停车的场所。The policeman cautioned me for parking here.警察警告我不可在此停车。There are never any parking spaces free at this time of day.这个时候从来没有空的车位。Monica got a fine yesterday for parking on a yellow line.莫妮卡昨天在一条黄线上停车被罚款了。The driver carefully jockeyed the truck into a narrow space in the crowded parking lot.司机小心翼翼地将卡车停进拥挤的停车场中一个狭窄车位。We were driving around in circles, weaving through the parking lot.我们开着车转圈,在停车场里绕来绕去。The hotel has ample parking.这家酒店有充足的停车位。The two friends parted company in the parking lot and drove home separately.两个朋友在停车场分别后,各自开车回家了。You're supposed to use the parking brake whenever you stop on a hill.只要你在山坡上停车都应该把手刹车拉上。There is no parking in this area. 此地不准停车。The crowds are enough of a problem as it is without having to worry about parking as well!撇开不得不担心的停车问题,拥挤的人群就足以成为一个大问题了。When they groused about the parking regulations, they did it with good humor.他们总是非常幽默地表达对泊车规定的不满。The old factory was demolished to make way for a new parking lot.旧工厂被拆除了,以便给新停车场腾出地方。Some guy was clobbering him in the parking lot.有个人正在停车场狠狠地揍他。Baxter emerged from the building and walked across the parking lot to a waiting car.巴克斯特从大楼里出来,穿越停车场走向一辆等候着的汽车。In the parking lot of the school, the siren filled the air.警报声响彻学校停车场。Is there a parking lot nearby?附近有停车场吗? You can't park here – it's a no parking zone.你不能在这里停车 — 这是非停车区。The city authorities are bringing in new parking regulations next month.市政当局将于下个月推行新的停车规定。The factory allotted a parking-space to each employee.这家工厂给每一个雇员分配了一个停车的地方。She pulled the car into a tight parking space on a side street.她将车停进了小路上一个狭窄的停车位里。The parking area is just beyond those trees.停车场就在那些树的后面。




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