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The Afghan authorities say the airport had been closed for more than a year.阿富汗当局称,该机场已经关闭一年多了。His book about Afghanistan is reviewed here by Anthony Hyman.安东尼·海曼在此就他那本关于阿富汗的书写了书评。Tughril conquered the Ghaznavids of Afghanistan.托格洛尔打败了阿富汗伽色尼王朝。In all Afghanistan only Kabul has most of its main roads asphalted.阿富汗全国只有喀布尔的大部分主干道铺了沥青。Special operations forces were on the ground in Afghanistan.特别行动部队已经登陆阿富汗。He pulled back forces from Mongolia, and he withdrew from Afghanistan.他从蒙古撤军,并且撤离阿富汗。The Afghan air force was using helicopters to supply the besieged town.阿富汗空军正用直升机向被包围的城镇提供物资。After various hair-raising adventures in Afghanistan, Newcombe settled in Northern India.纽科姆在阿富汗经历了种种令人毛发直竖的危险后,在印度北部居住了下来。Consider, if you will, the position of women in Afghanistan.试着想想阿富汗妇女的地位吧。In Afghanistan, a grand assembly is under way.阿富汗正在组建大国民议会。President Najibullah said he would call a grand council of all Afghans.纳吉布拉总统称他将召开阿富汗全民大会。They fought as volunteers with the Afghan guerrillas.他们作为志愿军和阿富汗的游击队员并肩作战。The bombs and rockets that began to fall on Afghanistan last week had a bracing effect on Bush and his senior officials.上周开始轰炸阿富汗的炸弹和火箭让布什及其高级官员们精神为之一振。He called for a jihad, or holy war, against foreign forces in Afghanistan.他号召发动护教战争,即圣战,以对抗在阿富汗的外国军队。The military alliance announced a string of major decisions on Iraq, Afghanistan, and Bosnia.该军事同盟宣布了关于伊拉克、阿富汗和波斯尼亚的一系列重大决定。It would be daytime in Afghanistan but still dark in America.阿富汗的白天正值美国的夜晚。My oldest son made the supreme sacrifice in Afghanistan.我的大儿子在阿富汗牺牲了。His time is remembered as an idyll before the strife that has torn Afghanistan apart.在他的记忆中,阿富汗因冲突四分五裂之前,他的日子一直都过得很惬意。Many of the soldiers are hardened veterans of the war in Afghanistan.许多士兵是参加过阿富汗战争而变得铁石心肠的老兵。Forty of them will be sent to Afghanistan.其中四十人将被派往阿富汗。Many embedded reporters in Iraq and Afghanistan became little more than public relations auxiliaries.许多在伊拉克和阿富汗的随军记者完全沦为了公关附庸。Afghanistan is a fragile state in one of the most volatile regions of the world.阿富汗是一个处在世界上最动荡地区之一的脆弱国家。She crocheted an afghan.她用钩针织了一条阿富汗披肩。The Soviet Union became anxious to withdraw its soldiers from the Afghan imbroglio.苏联变得急于想把它的军队从阿富汗困局中撤出来。The Afghan air force was using helicopters to supply the besieged town.阿富汗空军正用直升机向被围城镇提供补给。He'd been killed in action in Afghanistan.他在阿富汗阵亡了。Pakistan became a conduit for drugs produced in Afghanistan.巴基斯坦变成了阿富汗制造的毒品向外贩运的通道。 |