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词汇 阶级
例句 All the novels she wrote were about the gentry in England.她写的小说都是有关英国的仕绅阶级Gandhi helped people transcend political and class barriers.甘地帮助人民超越政治障碍和阶级障碍。Defining the concept of class is not an easy task.很难给阶级这一概念下定义。Everybody can come to this school, without respect to class, race, or sex.不论阶级,种族,性别,人人都可进这所学校上课。We have to cope with the realities of class distinction.我们不得不对付阶级区别的实际。He has already caused apoplexy with his books on class and on war.他关于阶级和战争的书已经激起了极大的愤怒。We want to get away from the politics of class confrontation.我们想摆脱那种阶级对抗的政治主张。Only when the means of production were communally owned would classes disappear.只有当生产资料公有时,阶级才会消失。Class distinctions are social constructs. 阶级划分是一种社会观念。This political party is interclass in its makeup.这个政党的成员中各个阶级的人都有。In Britain, class and region are strongly correlated.在英国,阶级和地区密切相关。The proposed law will perpetuate existing economic and class inequalities.该提议中的法律会使既存的经济不平等和阶级不平等持续下去。Justice for all, irrespective of race or class, is everyone's right.正义不分种族和阶级,这是每个人的权利。A Marxist approach emphasizes the relevance of class power.马克思主义的方法强调阶级力量所起的作用。He followed an occupation that was under ban with the bourgeoisie.他从事一项被市民阶级所鄙弃的行当。Only in a completely classless society can there be equal opportunities for everyone.只有在一个完全没有阶级的社会里,每个人才可以享受平等的机会。She faced the twin barriers of class snobbery and racial discrimination.她遭遇了阶级势利和种族歧视两大障碍。These problems cut across class boundaries.这些问题影响到阶级界线。He denounced plutocrats and the idle rich.他谴责了财阀统治阶级和无所事事的有钱人。We want to get away from the politics of outdated dogmatism and class confrontation.我们想摒弃过时的教条主义和阶级对抗的政治观点。There seems to be a widespread illusion that there are no class barriers anymore.似乎有一种普遍存在的错觉,以为阶级障碍已不存在了。The caste refers to social system based on rigid distinctions of birth, rank, wealth etc.社会等级是指按照血统,阶级,财富等严格区分的社会制度。




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