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词汇 阳台
例句 The door opens onto a sunny terrace.门开向阳光充足的阳台A stone balcony gives the building an air of elegance.阳台给这栋建筑增添了几分雅致。Afternoon tea is served on the terrace.下午茶在阳台上喝。She set up her telescope on the balcony.她在阳台上架起了望远镜。People were making noise in the balcony overhead.人们在头顶的阳台上吵吵嚷嚷。Pots of geraniums lined the balcony.一盆盆天竺葵排成列摆放在阳台上。The wind blew a flower pot off the balcony.风把一个花盆从阳台上刮了下去。The emperor waved to the crowd from the palace balcony.皇帝在皇宫的阳台上向人群挥手。The idea of building a roof terrace was also foiled by the planning authorities.建造一个带棚阳台的想法也被规划局否决了。Balconies and terraces give onto richly flowered gardens.阳台和平台都对着姹紫嫣红的花园。Chris unhooked the shutters and went out on the balcony.克里斯拉开百叶窗,走到了阳台上。The balcony is festooned in/with ivy.那个阳台用常春藤装饰。A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been reserved for him.特地为他预留了一间带阳台的海景双人房。Her house had a balcony.她家房子有一个阳台Welcoming banners hung from the balcony.阳台上悬挂著欢迎的横幅。The balcony juts out over the swimming pool.阳台伸出在游泳池上方。It has come to my notice that directly over the platform was a balcony.我注意到平台的正上方是一个阳台We had a drink on the hotel balcony.我们在宾馆的阳台上喝酒。Our garden is overlooked from the neighbour's balcony.从邻居的阳台居高临下可以看到我家的花园。Vivid red and pink geraniums cascade over my balcony.鲜红和粉色的天竺葵如瀑布般从我的阳台垂下。There were glass doors leading on to this balcony.有几扇玻璃门通向这个阳台The apartment has a balcony and is on the first floor, so no security worries.公寓有个阳台而且位于二楼,所以不用担心安全问题。The palace balcony is shielded by bulletproof glass.宫殿的阳台用防弹玻璃保护起来。You may prefer to sit on the terrace sipping a cocktail at sunset.你也许更喜欢在日落时分坐在阳台上喝喝鸡尾酒。At first sight it resembles a traditional village of two-storeyed, balconied houses, set among well-tended gardens.乍一看,它就像个传统的村庄:带阳台的两层楼房坐落于精心照料的花园中。The door opens onto a balcony. 这扇门通往阳台The prospect from the balcony was breathtaking.阳台上看去景色美极了。She stood on a balcony looking down into the courtyard.她站在阳台上朝下面的院子望去。You may simply prefer just to sit on the terrace with a cocktail.你也许只是想坐在阳台上喝一杯鸡尾酒。The room had a balcony facing the sea.这个房间有个朝海的阳台They said he jumped from the balcony above the pool.他们说他从游泳池上方的阳台上跳了下来。You can see the sea from our balcony.从我们的阳台,你可以看到大海。She led us to a room with a balcony overlooking the harbour.她带我们走进了一个房间,房间的阳台俯瞰着港口。The kitchen opens onto a balcony.厨房开门就对着阳台Their balcony looks out over the city.他们可从阳台上俯瞰这座城市。The clean laundry was hung on the balconies.阳台上挂着洗干净了的衣物。I sat on the balcony sunning myself.我坐在阳台上晒太阳。The balcony juts out over the garden.阳台临花园而伸出。I stepped out onto the balcony.我走出来,到了阳台上。We went out onto the balcony.我们走到阳台上。




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