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词汇 防御工事
例句 We need to improve our defenses.我们需要改进我们的防御工事When the war ended all defences stopped, too.战争结束时防御工事也停止了。The country put up a strong defence against the enemy's invasion.为了抵制敌人的侵略,这个国家布置了坚固的防御工事They are building up defences along the river.他们正在加固沿河的防御工事The fortress was proof against the techniques of attack then in use.防御工事能抵御当时所使用的各种进攻手段。Government forces have breached the rebels' defences.政府军已经攻破叛军的防御工事The city was protected by massive fortifications.这座城市由大规模的防御工事保护着。Europe's biggest Stone Age earthworks are at Silbury Hill in Wiltshire.欧洲石器时期最大的土木防御工事位于威尔特郡的西尔布利山。In the past, armies used catapults to hurl heavy stones at enemy fortifications.古代军队使用石弩将重石投向敌人的防御工事The beach defences were softened up before the landing crafts went in.在登陆艇驶入以前,海滩防御工事已遭削弱。The defences are intended to obstruct any advance by tanks and other vehicles.这些防御工事用于阻止坦克等车辆前进。The government has started building fortifications along its eastern border.政府已经开始沿东部边境修筑防御工事The government has started building fortifications along its eastern border.政府已经开始沿着东部边界修建防御工事We must strengthen our defences on the western border.我们必须加强西部边境的防御工事All the enemy defences were beaten down by the tanks.敌人的防御工事统统被坦克摧毁夷平。The defenses of the city must be strengthened.这个城市的防御工事必须加强。Our artillery smashed the enemy defenses.我们的砲兵摧毁了敌人的防御工事The sea breached the coastal defences in a number of spots.海水冲坏了多个地方的海岸防御工事The city walls were built as a defence against invaders.把城墙建成抵御侵略者的防御工事Some of the old fortifications still exist.一些古老的防御工事仍然存在。These front-line defences are backed up by armoured units in reserve.前线的这些防御工事都得到了后备装甲部队的支援。The island's defences have been badly damaged by recent air attacks.该岛的防御工事在最近几次空袭中遭到严重的破坏。With a small, hand-picked squad of ex-paratroopers, Collins managed to get through the defences.科林斯带着一支由精心挑选的前伞兵队员组成的小分队设法通过了防御工事They put up an effective defence against the guerrilla forces.他们筑起了有效抵御游击队袭扰的防御工事The tanks had got through enemy defences.坦克冲破了敌人的防御工事They dismantled the fortification.他们拆除了防御工事The city's defenses were not strong enough to keep out the invaders.这座城市的防御工事不够坚固,难以阻止入侵者。The fortifications of the castle were massive and impenetrable.城堡的防御工事巨大厚实,坚不可摧。




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