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词汇 防御
例句 The Government hastily organized defensive measures against the raids.政府仓促组织防御应对突袭。Foreign ministers sparred over new defence proposals.外交部长们就新的防御提案进行辩论。One aim of these reforms is effective defence with minimal expenditure.这些改革的目的之一就是以最低成本实现有效的防御The defence was light around the city.城市四周防御薄弱。The village needs protection from enemy raiders.这座村庄需要防御敌军袭击。The defeat was blamed upon the inadequacy of defence preparations.人们将战败归咎于防御准备不充分。The city began building a defensive wall around its borders.这座城市开始在周边建一道防御墙。Firewalls are often powerless against spyware.防火墙经常无力防御间谍软件。The city's bomb shelters were being prepared for possible air raids.防御可能发生的空袭,该城市正在建防空洞。There are a couple of holes in their defense.他们的防御有一些缺陷。They found a soft spot in the enemy's defenses.他们发现了敌人防御的弱点。America's priority is to help nations defend themselves.美国最优先考虑的是帮助各国自卫防御Research involving the use of biological warfare agents will be used for defensive purposes.与运用生物战手段有关的研究将用来防御The village needs protection from raiding tribes.这个村庄需要防御一些部落的突袭。The enemy broke through the barricade.敌军突破了防御带。Defence was all-important, and castles were designed with this end in view.防御最为重要,城堡的设计考虑到了这一目的。They armored themselves against the possible attack.他们作好了应付可能进攻的防御准备。The invading forces put our army on the defensive.入侵军迫使我们的部队进行防御We need to defend against military aggression.我们要防御军事侵略。The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat.这座中世纪的城市用高墙深沟来加强防御The slightest delay in defensive dispositions might sound the country's death-knell.防御部署的稍一延误可能会给这个国家敲响丧钟。It recognizes that its defence forces are weak and poorly armed.该国意识到自身防御力量薄弱,武器装备落后。The government decided to join a defensive alliance with several other nations.政府决定与其他几个国家结成防御联盟。The software provides a shield against hackers, worms and viruses.该软件能够防御电脑黑客、蠕虫和病毒的攻击。The military machine is ready to change its defensive posture to one prepared for action.军方随时准备由防御立场转向备战立场。British soldiers are working to fortify the airbase.英国士兵正在努力修筑工事以加强空军基地的防御You're going to see several weeks of an air campaign to soften up the troops.你将看到几周的空战以削弱部队防御Voters traditionally believe that women are not as tough as men on crime and defense issues.选民传统上相信女性在犯罪与防御问题上不如男性坚强。As Napoleon once said, attack is the best method of defence.拿破仑曾经说过,进攻是最好的防御The enemy's defences are permeable at several points.敌人的防御有好几处是可突破的。He armoured himself against hurts and the world.他为自己作好了免受损害和应付世事的防御准备。They used artillery to soften up the enemy's defenses before launching a full-scale attack.在发动全面攻击前,他们用炮火削弱敌方防御Offence is the best defence.进攻是最好的防御The defense system would activate if no proper identifying signal was given.如果不发出适当的识别信号,防御系统就会开动。The forest will act as a defense against desert dust.森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。The government said the moves were purely defensive.政府说这些举措纯粹是出于防御目的。The two countries have initialled a new defence co-operation agreement.两国签署了新的防御合作协议。They attacked the left flank, which was only lightly defended.他们攻击了防御薄弱的左翼。They relied entirely on these few weapons for their defence.他们完全依靠这几件武器进行防御Several nations formed a defense league.几个国家结成了防御联盟。




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