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词汇 defence minister
例句 The defence minister is a bit more dovish than other people in the ruling elite.与其他当政领导人相比,国防部长的态度更温和些。The Prime Minister has appointed a civilian as defence minister.首相已委任一位平民为国防部长。Masoud was required to step down as defence minister.马苏德被要求从国防部长的职位上退下来。It must be said that the defence minister is a little bit more dovish than other people in the ruling elite.需要指出的是国防大臣比上层统治集团中其他成员都要温和。The Prime Minister has appointed a civilian as defence minister.首相已委任一位文职官员担任国防部长。Rumor has it that the defence minister will soon resign.据传闻,国防部长不久就要辞职。




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