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词汇 闯进来
例句 You have no right to come barging in here like that.你无权那样闯进来I'm sorry to barge in on you like this.很抱歉这样闯进来打扰你。He grabbed her pistol and fired a warning shot. The intruder ran back out into the hall.他抓起她的手枪就开枪警告,闯进来的人便跑回到大堂里去了。Excuse me, sir. I don't mean to intrude, but you have a phone call.对不起,先生,我本不想闯进来的,但有你的电话。They were battering the door, they were breaking in.他们正在使劲捶门,就要闯进来了。Cranberri isn't some wannabe horning in from the sidelines.克兰贝里并不是那种从边线闯进来的球迷。We can't let these big corporations just walk in and take over the town!我们不能让这些大公司闯进来占据这个小城!Just then three women burst in.就在那时,闯进来三个女人。While she was asleep, thieves broke in and stole her handbag.她睡着的时候,小偷闯进来偷走了她的手提包。The door burst open and the children barged in.门突然打开,一群小孩子闯进来Who do you think you are, barging in here like that?你以为你是谁呀,就这么闯进来Two police officers burst in, the latter hurriedly flashing his ID card at her as they made their way upstairs.两名警察闯进来,走向楼上时,后面的一个匆匆地向她亮了一下他的证件。Two men with guns burst in and told us to lie on the floor.两名持枪男子闯进来叫我们躺在地上。Half the people at the dancing party crashed in.舞会上有一半人是未经邀请而擅自闯进来的。The dogs snarled at the intruders.那些狗朝着闯进来的人们狂吠。The ringing of the bell had scared off the intruder.铃响把闯进来的人吓跑了。How did you get in? I thought the door was locked.你是怎么闯进来的?我以为门锁了呢。…Someone had broken in and trashed her apartment.有人闯进来捣乱了她的公寓。I must apologize for tumbling in on you in this way.我这样闯进来打扰你,真应当道歉。Once upon a time, you could leave your doors unlocked at night and not worry about someone breaking in.过去你可以夜里门不上锁也不必担心有人会闯进来I'm sorry to burst in on you like this.对不起,我这样闯进来打扰你。It's impossible to concentrate when people keep barging in on you.老是有人闯进来打扰你,你便不能集中精力。His store was broken into and looted during the riot.他的商店在暴乱期间被人闯进来抢劫。If you don't have someone at the door, any Tom, Dick or Harry could turn up at the party and walk straight in.聚会上要不派个人在门口看着,任凭谁都可以闯进来




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