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词汇 闯入者
例句 He set the dog on the intruder.他放狗去咬闯入者She was able to provide a description of the intruder.她能提供有关闯入者体貌特征的描述。The police think the intruder got in through an unlocked window.警察认为闯入者是经未上锁的窗子进来的。Any intruders will be shot on sight.闯入者将一律当场击毙。He was shot this morning by unidentified intruders at his house.他今天早上在家中被身份不明的闯入者射杀。He was stabbed when he tackled an intruder armed with a knife.他在擒抱一名持刀闯入者的时候被捅伤了。She had no wish to share her father with any outsider and regarded us as interlopers.她不愿与任何外人分享父亲的爱,并把我们视为闯入者The police warned the intruder off.警察警告闯入者离开。An intruder breached the perimeter but was caught.一名闯入者冲入周边区域,但被抓住了。He found a masked intruder in the kitchen.他在厨房发现了一个蒙面闯入者An intruder forced open the lock.一个闯入者撬开了锁。Concealed cameras help security guards spot intruders.隐藏式摄像机可帮助保安人员发现闯入者He warned the trespassers off his ground.他警告闯入者离开他的宅地。She aimed the gun straight at the intruder.她用枪直接瞄准闯入者The intruder had left some footprints in the snow.闯入者在雪地里留下了一些脚印。The intruders tied Kurt up and left him.闯入者把库尔特捆绑起来,然后丢下他走了。The boy looked at the intruder, his eyes wide with fear.那男孩看着闯入者,害怕得睁大了眼睛。Security did not prevent an interloper from getting onto the stage at the opening ceremony.开幕式上保安没有阻止一名闯入者登上舞台。The intruder smashed a window to get in and then neutralized the alarm system.闯入者砸碎一扇窗户进入室内,然后破坏了报警系统。To the fledgling intruder's shock, the house was not unoccupied.使那个初出茅庐的闯入者感到震惊的是,那房屋并非无人居住。Staff were instructed to repel intruders with physical force, if need be.员工们接到指示,必要时可以武力驱逐闯入者He pummeled the intruder.他把闯入者暴打了一顿。The intruder fled at the sentry's challenge.闯入者在接受哨兵盘问时逃走了。The intruders were careful not to leave any trace behind them.闯入者很小心,避免留下任何蛛丝马迹。He was shot by unidentified intruders.他被身份不明的闯入者开枪打死。The dogs snarled at the intruders.那些狗冲着闯入者狂吠不已。The dog scared off intruders who had tried to break into the house.这条狗把试图破门而入的闯入者吓跑了。The intruder smashed a window to get in and then neutralized the alarm system.闯入者打碎了一扇窗户进来,然后破坏了警报系统。The alarm emits infrared rays which are used to detect any intruder.警报器能发出红外线探测闯入者My dog went for the intruder.我家的狗攻击了闯入者Security guards escorted the intruders from the building.保安把闯入者押送出了大楼。Dogs can deter unwelcome intruders.狗能够阻拦不受欢迎的闯入者The intruder ran from the police and gave them the slip.那名闯入者躲避了警方的追捕并摆脱了他们。There's some suggestion that the intruder was the same person that killed Angle.有一些迹象表明闯入者和杀死安格尔的是同一个人。She stared at the intruder in dismay.她惊恐地瞪视着闯入者




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