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New York was the point of entry for most immigrants arriving in the US.纽约是大多数移民进入美国的门户。New York is the gateway to the U. S. A.纽约是美国的门户。It was a natural port, the most convenient gateway to the Continent.那是个天然港口,是通往欧洲大陆最便捷的门户。It's second nature for me to look twice to see if I've locked the doors at night.我习惯于每晚两次检查门户是否锁上。Ellis Island in Manhattan was the point of entry of many American immigrants. 曼哈顿的埃利斯岛是很多移民进入美国的门户。Lyons is the gateway to the Alps for motorists driving out from Britain.里昂是从英国驱车前往阿尔卑斯山的门户。Manchester is known as the gateway to the north.曼彻斯特被称作通往英格兰北部的门户。Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean.直布罗陀是地中海门户。 |