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例句 It took him only two months to write the thesis, but the gestation period was two years long.他只花了两个月就写完论文,但孕育期却长达两年。On Sunday the horses were harnessed to a heavy wagon for a daylong ride over the Border.星期天,马匹被套在一辆沉重的马车上,准备踏上长达一天的穿越边境之旅。Many hours of diligent research were required.需要长达数小时的认真研究。Some seals can stay submerged for an hour.一些海豹可以潜在水里长达一个小时。The article runs to several hundred pages.这篇文章长达数百页。He received round-the-clock police protection for nine years.他受警方昼夜保护长达九年之久。The virus can incubate for up to ten days after the initial infection.该病毒在最初感染后可潜伏长达十天。The year-long fight for permission to build the house ended in success.长达一年的争取建房许可的斗争以胜利告终。On Sunday the horses were harnessed to a heavy wagon for a day-long ride over the border.星期天,马匹被套在一辆沉重的马车上,准备踏上长达一天的跨越边境之旅。Because the cell destruction is gradual, a victim's pancreas can function normally for years.因为细胞破坏是渐进的,所以患者的胰腺可以维持正常的生理机能长达数年。She reigned over her kingdom for many decades.她统治王国长达几十年。A month-long training course had been condensed into two weeks.长达一个月的培训课程被压缩为两周。Hurricane Hugo menaced the eastern coast for a week.飓风“雨果”威胁东海岸长达一周。Airline travelers are experiencing delays of up to three hours.飞机乘客常碰上延误,有的长达三小时。The two sides finally came to an agreement/understanding after many hours of discussion.经过长达数小时的讨论,双方终于达成协议/共识。There are hundreds of miles of undefended border between the two countries.两国之间有长达数百英里的不设防边境。I had to face a two-hour inquisition from my parents about where I'd been.我只得面对父母长达两小时的盘问,问我去了哪儿。If you go into a mosque, you should wear sleeves that at least come down to your elbows.如果你进入清真寺,应该穿袖子至少长达肘部的衣服。Some voters waited in line for up to two hours before polling booths opened.投票站还没开门就有一些选民排了长达两个小时的队。Most death row inmates avoid execution for many years by filing several appeals.大多数死囚可以通过反复上诉延缓行刑长达数年。The islanders endured centuries of exploitation.岛上居民忍受了长达几个世纪的剥削。Claire had been anorexic for three years.克莱尔曾有厌食症长达三年。There was a traffic backup for miles on the road because of the accident.受事故影响,拥堵在路上的车辆长达数英里。The killing was the result of Dougherty's four year fixation with a co-worker who would not date him.多尔蒂对一名不愿和他约会的同事长达四年的迷恋是这宗谋杀案的起因。Traffic was held up for several hours by the accident.那起事故造成了长达几个小时的交通堵塞。His athletic career spanned three decades.他的运动生涯长达三十年。For five hours, the women were gang-raped.那些妇女被轮奸长达五个小时之久。The process of biological evolution has taken billions of years.生物进化的过程长达数十亿年。The six-month strike seemed to be petering out.长达六个月的罢工似乎正逐渐停息。Don underwent months of physical therapy after the accident.事故发生后,唐接受了长达几个月的物理治疗。The positive effect on businesses may take up to three years to work through.对各企业产生的积极影响可能要经过长达三年的时间才会显现出来。The country suffered from an identity crisis for years after the civil war.内战结束后这个国家陷于认同危机长达数年。Her medical career spanned half a century.她的从医生涯长达半个世纪。He spends up to two hours a day preening in front of the bathroom mirror.他每天花长达两小时在浴室的镜子前精心打扮。Even after it had been cut, the film was still over three hours long.这部电影即使删剪过之后仍长达三个多小时。The union organized a month-long picket.工会组织了长达一个月的罢工纠察。The procession stretched for several miles.游行队伍长达数英里。The family were held at gunpoint for an hour while the men raided their house.长达一个小时的时间里,这一家人在枪口威胁下,眼睁睁地看着这伙人抢掠他们的家。Cuba is emerging from five years of economic crisis.古巴正在从长达五年的经济危机中复苏。He endured solitude and torture for months at a time.他曾经忍受了长达数个月的孤独与折磨。




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