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词汇 镇议会
例句 The town council voted to zone the area for industrial use.镇议会投票决定将此地区划为工业用地。The town council usually rubber-stamped anything the mayor sent their way.镇议会通常都会例行地批准市长送过来的任何东西。At the last town council meeting, her proposal was ruled out of order by the mayor.镇议会终审会上,她的建议被镇长裁定为违反程序。The town council hopes to prioritize the bridge construction project at the next meeting.镇议会希望在下次会议上优先讨论桥梁施工项目。There's a bunch of old windbags on the town council who don't know when to shut up.镇议会中有许多爱说废话的人,他们不知道什么时候该闭嘴。




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